🕵️‍♀ Check your reviews?

Happy to have any feedback on our reviews. We did apply for some tester products but didnt know if we qualified to do so or not.

Latest purchases turned up today so they will be heavily tested and reviewed over the weekend!

Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna
Love to have to some feedback, have only done a few reviews this far.

Hey @Lovehoney_Brenna
Would be happy to learn of any improvements I could make for my reviews.
Thank you

Wonderful feedback, thanks Brenna! Will definitely do so going forward


Id love some feedback on my profile?
Appreciate it your time.

Thanks. Rachel :blush:

Hi! I’m new to this, is there anyway I can see what reviews I have done? And how/who is counting how many reviews I have done to be thought about to become a tester? Many thanks xx

@Lovehoney_Brenna would it be possible to check my latest review please.

Hi. There isn’t an easy way for you to check what you have and haven’t reviewed beyond checking the product pages of whatever you have bought. Providing you use the same email every time, Lovehoney (and in particular Brenna) can see your reviews so she can check how many you have done and if they are up to scratch etc. Hope this helps

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Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna not sure if you are still giving feedback on the quality of reviews and areas for improvement, if you are I would appreciate any pointers on mine and thank you in advance​:blush:

Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna I have only done 2 reviews so far so know I have a fair way to go, but are they on the right track going forward? Do I need to be more descriptive of the items? Would love to make it to tester status. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey @Lovehoney_Brenna! It looks like this thread has probably been put to bed but if you happen to get a chance, I’d love to get some feedback! No worries either way though :slight_smile:

Hello I have been away from the site and the chat for awhile after having my daughter and life got in the way. I really enjoyed coming back and reading people’s opinions and asking a question topic about passion after birth as kids etc. I have been a tester before and would love the opportunity to do so again and would definitely love some feedback on the ones already written.

Thank you

You might be waiting a while for Brenna to get back to you. There is a place on here when you can put your reviews and ask others who are regular testers to give you feedback.
That’s what I did many months ago and got some excellent feedback from forum members.
Just an idea if your wanting some feedback on your current reviews. :blush:

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@numbnuts81 Your most recent review is great! However a lot of your other reviews are very brief. A couple more reviews similar to your most recent, and you should be good to go :slight_smile:

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@Somewhere_by_the_sea Your most recent review for Spreader Bar is perfect! However you only have x3 other reviews, and they are around one sentence long, which is much too brief to be considered. If you could write x6 more reviews, similar to your most recent, then you will be eligible! :slight_smile:

@Ticklemouse Some very good reviews, some reviews that are a little too brief. You do have over 7 good quality reviews though, so are ready to start volunteering. :slight_smile:


@Anon016 10/10 great reviews, no notes! Enough to qualify and fantastic quality :slight_smile:

@Never2Old4Toys You have some good reviews, enough to qualify! Some of the earlier ones were a touch brief, but the more recent ones are great :slight_smile:

@Spicing_things_up Yes, you have only submitted x3 reviews so far. Your review for the Booty Buddy is good, the other too are more on the brief side, however are on the right track :slight_smile:

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@Couplekink Your reviews are still great! :slight_smile: Good quality and diversity of products!

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