Choice of Stroker - LH v Tracey Cox


My partner wanted to get me a present & decided on a stroker.

She has ordered this:

but reading the reviews this one seems to be more popular:

Can anyone advise which one I should go for? Or does anyone have any experience of both?

Thanks in advance.

I've tried one of each type (LH and TC) and they both do the job -- see my reviews.

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

If I were to get my man another stroker (which I am contemplating) I would have a hard time ...

I think he would as well. (Sorry -- couldn't resist!)

Thanks both.

CH ..... having read your reviews I came to the conclusion that I should maybe stick with the LH one then. Would you agree?

I've just noticed that the TC stroker that you linked (Supersex Sensation) isn't the same as the one that I reviewed (Supersex Supertight), so you might be reading too much into my initial discomfort with the latter due to its tightness, which probably doesn't apply to the former.

I imagine that you ought to be happy with either choice, especially if your partner is going to help you to use it (which, personally, I find much more exciting than solo operation). I think a choice of favourite is as much a question of personal aesthetics and imagination as functional build.

The key practical points, as I and others have mentioned, are to make sure that you put plenty of lube inside the toy, and then to have some tissues available to wipe any excess lube off the outside (which, otherwise, can impede grip and transform the toy unexpectedly into a catapult!).

Hope this helps!

Thanks CH.