Christmas night out

90’s club classics! Love it, bet it was good :ok_hand:

Think last time I went on a works night out last time I worked for a company I didn’t go home for about 3 days if I remember rightly :man_facepalming:t3:

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The music they played was actually a bit of a let down, and a lot of people complained as they had never heard a lot of what they played.

I can actually imagine! Probably not the classics I’d be calling classics :smirk:

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Works do this coming Friday, meal and disco.


Work had an Xmas function this weekend. I skipped it.

My thoughts were, “Why go to a social gathering on a weekend with the same people you spend all week with?”

I actually hate where I work but am overpaid so I stay. Plus Mrs. Val had to shut down her salon since we relocated and now I am the sole income for a bit.
I am going to hit them up for a big raise in March after my work anniversary or I am outta here.
Just need to find a better paying job…

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