
This turned into a bit of a moan lol...
So today so far i've cleaned the landing the bathroom and half the bedroom (more like had a massive sort out). Don't get me wrong i love doing it, but would be a big help if the OH helped out a bit during the 5 days hes not in work. He hoovers, changes the bed, and washes the dishes when its his turn. He just thinks that we have organisd mess. I dont liek mess! I hate mess! I was brought up with a mum who is borderline house proud, so i think it stems from her why i like things so clean and tidy. I wont throw away anything of the OHs unless hes looked through the piled high stuff ive put next to him, which takes him days to do so. I do have OCD aswell, and i would like to sit down without the anxiety that i have when i dont clean. Overall though, im pretty proud of myself with hat i've done so far today, now my breaks over, back to cleaning :D

I think its just a man thing. I have the same issue, the OH won't tidy unless I ask him to, but they just don't see the mess >_<

Because its never our stuff!!!!!

MrsK:The tables full of your mess

K:No its not

MrsK:Just tidy it

A short while later, a pile of her crap, and two of my books

Labyrinth wrote:

I think its just a man thing. I have the same issue, the OH won't tidy unless I ask him to, but they just don't see the mess >_<

It isnt a man thing really.......early on in our relationship I was unemployed my wife (to be) was working. I spent the whole day cleaning everything washing ironing the whole lot. She came in from work kicked her shoes off threw hercoat over one chair a handbag in the other switched the TV on and fell asleep. She had had a hard day but I still felt like throwing a tantrum....funny looking back how such a stupid thing can feel so hurtful at the time.

I have gutted my flat and rearranged everything the over the lst 2 weeks and going to do a deep clean next week in prep of T coming eekk

I agree with Labyrinth it's definately a man thing!
My OH leaves a small mountain of clothes piled up on the chair by the bed. Half clean half dirty, and because he can't remember which are which either they all get thrown in the wash making more laundry to do!!! Arghhhh!!!

Sooooo not a man thing! I tend ot be one of those pick up any little thing as I see it and put it away - cups in dishwasher, paper in recycling etc but my OH will just leave just around as long as it's not too messy. There's usually a collection of handbags within easy reach to change between depending on what's she's wearing that day . Then she has her moments where she looks around the place, proclaims it's all too messy and goes on a massive clean up whereas I prescribe very much to keeping things tidy to avoid those massive clean up sessions.

Its got to be said, i did have a mountain of shoes on our landing which theres no room for in the wardrobe, so i have to shove them in lol. But he had a mountain of paperwork to sort out when he got home as it was lying around everywhere. Also he piles a mountain of clothes on the floor, one t shirt hes worn for 10mins, one hes worn for a whole day, it all adds up so it all goes in the wash too, so i do feel for you on that one Mrs A. I've got less anxiety in my body now ive sorted half our flat, just the other half to go tomorrow, then a really deep clean friday :D
I have massive cleaning sessions for 8 hours nearly 7 days a week. So the flat is clean, but very rarely tidy as we do make it look lived in through the 8 hours im not cleaning a day haha :L

Sounds like you had a really tough time AA :\ hes an ex for a reason :D Its not nice when no one helps you out.