Cleavage enhancers

Now since becoming thinner I've had bad luck with bras, I've got measured loads and purchased a new bra, just to find that after a week it's too big.

I personally don't mind not wearing a bra, but there's just some clothing you need to wear a bra with, whether it's to help shape it or cover nipples.

I'm wondering if something like this would work

I could wear them in bras that are slightly too big, or by themselves.

It's tricky right now, even some A and B cups are too big for me, I'm just really looking for something that'll give me a bit of shape, esp as I like to wear fitted clothing.

Wondering if these would work? and has anyone tried them?

Ok - all Bras r different! Even in the same shop they r different which can be a massive nightmare and stressful.

I would suggest just spending a whole day bra shopping - if the cup feels abit big come down a back size but the same cup e.g. 34B too big 32B might be perfect!

Also great places to shop for smaller bra's is la senza, wonderbra and tk maxx.

Just out of interest where did u get measured? x

Yes I've gotten my bra size right, I've been measured all over the place in the last month... bras just don't work for me. I'm wondering if it's because I have a large gap between my breasts compared to some, also my rib cage dips in a lot.

It's the cup size thats the problems, not the backs. Padded bras are the worst. I find the wire in all the cups I try tends to sit funny. It's really hard to explain. :/

I might give them a go.

Ok cool u can get these cups that fit over the breasts but i dont think u get any lift from them they just act as something that keeps ur nipples underwrap.

I do know that Wonderbra has this amazing bra that inside the cups is shaped like hands to lift and cup ur breasts perfectly.

Apart from that sweetie i'm really not sure! It must be so frustrating for u x x x

The ann summers boob job bras really are amazing. I'd definitely reccomend trying them on though. They run from an A cup (I think!) and come in some really pretty colours. I have a large gap between my breasts and it really got me down. These bras help to make it look like I have a 'normal' gap and some pretty eye catching cleavage ;)

This depends on a lot of things.

1) I am so flat, that push up bras or enhancers just don't work for me - there's nothing to push up

2) I'm also so flat I've given up on wearing bras that fit - I don't need the support so as long as it's comfortable and padded I don't see the sense on paying extra for a bra that fits so I just remember not to bend down unless I keep a straight back as my bras are prone to gaping and showing off my boobs.

3) I really think if you're very small, padding and well structured bras work well so I wear bras with really rigid cups and that are quite padded - they are prone to the gaping, but they also structured enough that you can't tell they don't fit, they just look like my boobs under my clothes (people don't believe how flat chested I am because I fake it so well

4) The right size varies from shop to shop and from style to style so you just need to try on loads of sizes to find the right one for each individual bra and work out what shapes suit you - it takes a lot of time, but once you get a general idea it gets easier

I don't really know how much 1 and 2 will apply to you, for many women, push up bras work well even if they're tiny, I'm just beyond tiny so they don't work for me :)

I hope you find what you need
