Coded Offers/Discounts

Hi i was just wondering what counts as a coded offer, since lovehoney unlimited discounts can’t be used with these. Does it include deals of the week? I’m just wondering as I’ve gone to order some bits from it (and 1 other item) and the 25% discount won’t apply even though it’s over £40

That doesn’t sound right?

The Unlimited 25% off £40+ perk is counted as a coded offer, but these can all be used on top of any on-site deals and discounts.

What are you trying to buy? I’ll see if I can replicate it?

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Ah i think I’ve found the issue, i think it was me being stupid and not going far enough in the check out, combined with automatic signout. Sorry for wasting your time and thank you for looking to help anyway (i got confused because i probably hadn’t read the actual text before now)


It works for me?

Have you definitely applied it from Your Account page? It should show up either way in your basket, but it’ll tell you if you’ve not spent the minimum yet. :+1:

Failing that, you could clear your cookies and see if that cheers it up?

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Cookie clearing sped it up too. Like i said sorry, you’d think I’d be better at this by now with how much I’ve spent on here :joy: (thank you for confirming that the discount should work on site offers anyway, i hadn’t tried to use it yet on any deals so it’s good to know it works)


Does forces discount count as a coded offer? I’m under the impression any offer is coded, but offers/coded offers can be used on some items that are in sale?

The Forces discount (and student, carer, police, etc) do count as coded offers. So you can’t slap your Forces discount on top of your Unlimited discount; you’d have to choose which one was best for that order. :+1:

The coded offers (there used to be lots of great email ones, but they’ve scaled back on those significantly) can be used on top of Sales prices, and with any on-site discounts (eg. Buy 2 for £20, or 3 for 2, etc). :+1:

You’re right about the emails. I can’t say I mind too much though, I mean they seem to have plenty of offers on directly available on the website. I wish the offers had a bit more variety though.

The email offers used to be amazing. :slightly_smiling_face: They were something I genuinely looked forward to opening. I have even been known to let out an involuntary ‘coo’. :slightly_smiling_face:

But they don’t seem to do them any more (or at least I’m not receiving them).

I miss when you spent so much you got something free


If we’re talking about things we miss then I can’t pass by without mentioning the £20 off £40+ Unlimited Discount. That was truly glorious. :slightly_smiling_face: (though I also liked the £30 off £60+, and £40 off £80+ email offers too :+1::slightly_smiling_face:)


yeah they were super good @Ian_Chimp :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sadly I wasn’t around in the days of those!

I think I joined during a Golden Age. :slightly_smiling_face: They’d send me a Hump Day offer on a Wednesday, and a Weekend one that was valid from friday until midnight Sunday (plus random other ones too). And I’d sit there working out my baskets for ages, trying to get them as jam-packed as possible based on that day’s offer. :slightly_smiling_face: I often made multiple orders in a day. And I certainly did with the long weekend ones. And I had the £20 off £40+ Unlimited Discount that I could use as often as I liked as well (it’s now the 25% off £40+ one, which is good, but…).

I bought so much stuff. Like, pretty much, all the stuff. :slightly_smiling_face: