
Only had the stupid could in for about 9 days and already my libdo is suffering! And I have spots!!!!!! I never even had spots as a teenager, so I am extremely unimpressed by this. There not even the fun sort that you can pop.... Just pimples!!!

Anyways I was just wanting to know did any of the ladies on here experience loss of libdo with the coil and did it resolve itself after a period of hormone levels adjusting???

I had just gone through pregnancy when I had mine put in but mine were quite sporadic anyway! The nurses told me the new hormones takes some time to settle and after a couple of periods my body will respond to it normally. If anything, I have a higher sex drive now then what I've ever had in my life, so it definitely isn't the coil that affects me!

I had a coil (copper type not the hormone type) for a few years before having my first child and was fine - no lack of libido but i did get spots but I have always suffered with them to some degree and have PCOS sop maybe nothing to do with the coil. After having my daughter I thought I would try the hormone implant that goes under the skin on your upper arm - Now that definitiely had an effect on my libido. By about 3 months I couldn't bear the thought of any sexual contact from my partner and really got to a very low point mentally and our relationship suffered so I had it removed and within about 24 hours I was like some kind of nympho! I have always had a good sex drive but it was ridiculous! My friend also had one of these under skin implants and had to have it removed (actually her husband ordered her to) as it was having such a bad effect on them as a couple. Anyway I am back to the copper coil again now and sex drive is fine but spots are getting a bit worse but may be due to coil plus hormone change after having my daughter. So coil may need time to settle down but would definitley not recommend the other implant.

See I had the implant too and I had zero libdo in it. I'm hoping the coil is not going to have same effect. I wanted the copper coil but my dr refused to give it to me because she said the side effects are worse with heavy bleeding etc.

Fingers crossed this goes away, sex is such an important part of put relationship

I've had the implant before I had the coil and it was a nightmare for me! I was just so moody all the time! I've tried the implant, injection, three different types of pill and I've finally settled on the coil. I think it's fantastic, it's all about finding something that works for you. But I had very heavy periods that lasted a week and now they're quite light that last around 4 days. I'm really happy, my sex life is great and mine and my husbands relationship is the best it's ever been. I think it does take some time for it to settle in, but I know for me I'll always stick with the coil now, it's been brilliant!

Ive just started with the implant and my libido has shot though the roof I think its strange how it all effects us differently,

Give it time to settle and see if that helps

full loss of libido and MASSIVE pain too :( hated it . they were so reluctant to remove it as well i had to plead and rant at them they checked an said it was inserted correctly so COULDNT be causing me pain ... BUT FROM THE DAY I HAD IT IN MY WHOLE UTERUS BLOODY ACHED TILL .. SHOCK HERE : THE DAY I HAD IT REMOVED . STOPPED THE PAIN IMMEDIATELY

I have the copper coil because I seem to have very strong reactions to hormones - that's why I came off the pill originally and clearly why the implant didn't work. I do have heavy bleeding witht he copper coil but I have always had very irregular and very heavy bleeding on or off contraceptive devices so didn't make a lot of odds to me. Sex drive was fine on the pill and with the coil, but like i say the implant thing was dreadful.

I think it is just a case of trying different methods until you find what's right for you.

And if you want the copper coil demand it. When I had my first coil I was unmarried (but in settled long term relationship), mid-twenties and had had no children and they were really reluctant to give me anything that wasn't the pill and I virtually had to demand they do it. You know what's right for you.