Couple bet

Chatting with some friends recently we were discussing couples bets where if you both disagree on something you bet with each other on who is correct. The correct person receiving a prize from the incorrect person. The prize can be sexual or not depending on what you want the other to do to you it can be something you know they dislike doing or something they dont mind doing but dont do very often so it's still a reward for your bet rather than just something they do all the time.

What reward would you like from your partner?
What reward would you offer your partner?

Me and my OH sometimes do this but in another context, like in when you compete with eachother. Once when we played mini golf we had a bet that the one who lost had to give the most amazing oral. I lost lol :)

Me and my chap do this lol. If we're being naughty the winner gets to chose a sexual favour, a toy to use and a position. Our other bets consists on the loser making the brews for a week.

Yes we have do this in the past. Whoever win can choose anything to be do to them and the loser has to do it

we don't bet each other but if we are out shopping and I spot something I really like, he will normally say ok I will buy it for you but it's got to be worth a blow job. 😊

Not that I have any objections as I love pleasing him.

I'd like my toe nails clipped

She can have control of the TV remote.

Me and my partner often bet on things, but never have the outcome be anything sexual. I think i may have to start doing that!

Its usally really silly things, often how things are spelt or laws on things. I never like to be wrong, and always bet if im right he has to wash up (I hate it) we then do a quick google search to see whos right


Slightly off at a tangent but we have a rule re take aways.

He or she who suggests getting a take away instead of cooking. Fetches and pays!