Crying after orgasm!

This happened to me once. 

It became affectionately known as my 'cry-max'.

I've had this on occasion with both tears and laughter. Sometimes giggling at how stupid it is that I'm crying, sometimes giggling until it turns into tears. Doesn't happen often, and usually only if it's really intense / has been a while - happened (mostly laughter) last time I had an orgasm with a newish partner, it had been 3 and a half years since my last one so I put it down to that.

I cried after my wife orgasmed

At the time I was at work and she was with another man!!!

Crymax, crygasm (or my suggestion: teargasm), squirting from the eyes.. yep, totally quilty of that sometimes now that I am able to have full-on sex. Definitely thought it was a bit weird though so whenever it happens I try to hide it but I'm relieved to see I'm not the only one. It just gets so intense sometimes that I just.. ugh.. no way of stopping it, lol 😂!