Date night sex

After twenty one years of marriage It always varies for us, last time I only just got out of the shower before the Mrs got hold of me for round one, awesome just like the first days together, long may it continue.

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I’m usually do dinner with little wine then progress to few drinks…. Than is my place … then is 6am and I cannot move no more .
Make sure u stay hydrated

Both! lol
I kind of like getting ready to go out sex or play, quick play and BJ when he is in a towel out the shower or while I am in my undies doing my make up

Sex first then enjoying moment together dinner or whatever feels good… then more sex
Drinking that freedom moment in one shot …. :slight_smile: like addict that get freedom of unlimited high

On Friday I have to help the wife get ready for her date night and for me it is so horny and when she returns home with the evidence awesome

I don’t think that there is a definitive answer to this, we find it all depends in what mood we are both in. We would much rather be spontaneous than regimental, it keeps the fun going not knowing what the other may do. Everyone is different though…