Dom or Sub, what is your choice?

Neither of us has a strict preference. Sometimes I play the sub and so does my husband.

When either of us feel like it we play the dom. Pegging is my dom go to and me role playing a sex worker is my husband’s favourite, where I have to do anything he pays for.

I think its absolutely a choice, you may lean one way or the other but you can choose to go against your natural tendencies. I am a sub, have played as a domme in the past and didn’t like it, nor would I say I was good at it. He would disagree with that.

This topic has been asked a number of times, can everyone please use the search function before creating a new thread. Theres no problem with reactivating an older thread and there will be lots of opinions to read and discuss.

I did expect a mod to move it to an already running thread.

Sure, but if everyone does a search before they post, they’ll avoid the need to do that :slightly_smiling_face:

I would half agree with JoCat on this one and completely ignored the final rant. I would say one is Dom or sub but there can be differences.