Download Festival! Are you attending or maybe not?

love this festival , well I love any festival really. Such a great atmosphere and love... love music. 

I attended the first ever year after it changed from Monsters of Rock many moons ago and thanks to this festival I witnessed ACDC play an amazing set after 7 years of rumors they would. 

I am not attending next week and I am super gutted ![sad|20x20](upload://f8zGclFeQx35HwZLqJ7J1rFzQ0n.gif "sad") Every year I make plans that I will and then adulting gets in the way!

If you are as gutted as me and love a vibrator post below and I may have some secret items especially for you to review later this month. Or maybe you are attending and may like a pick me up when you are back to shake off those festival blues. 

Let's cheer up the downer of not attending a rock concert this year or beat those blues when you get home with sunburn , a washed out tent (or no tent in my case some years) and memories or lack of memories as it may be ! 


Sounds like those that will be going will be having a rocking great time. A bit to far for us now :(

I went to many festivals mainly in the 80s including Castle Donnington. Knebworth and Glastonbury .

I can't say I miss the experience, the horrible toilets, sleeping in th car , losing your party and trying to find them and the very long days Not forgetting the stale beer showers ! .You also at the mercy of the weather as well although it was more stable in the 80s than what it is today.

I like my home comforts today too much and prefer concerts that are covered.

Although I've never been to the download festival, I have been to a few, Glastonbury 97 was the stand out year. Lost my tent to mud, saw radio head perform what is sometimes regarded as the seminal festival performance and missed the prodigy in what can only be described as a passing out related incident.

I had tickets for Glastonbury 98 too but, like you've said Leanne, adulting got in the way and I had to sell my tickets in order to fix my jalopy.

I'd love to go to Download but my anxiety gets in the way unforunately. My cousins go every year and it makes me so jealous of how many amazing bands they get to see!

I'm not attending, also not attending the local fesitval (Belsonic) I usually go to this year- boo! Adulting does indeed get in the way of fun things :(

I so wish I could go to Download this year!! 

Did anyone manage to get to do Sonisphere at Knebworth when it's been on? SUCH a good festival. 

So, here's a question for you....

Regardless of whether you're a festival goer or not, if you could go to ANY festival for free.... which one would you choose? And would you go for the music, the atosphere, or something else? 

I think I'd choose either Sonisphere (for the music), Wilderness (for the atmosphere) or 70,000 Tonnes of Metal (because it's a metal festival ON A SHIP!!) 

I so wish I could go to Download this year!! 

Did anyone manage to get to do Sonisphere at Knebworth when it's been on? SUCH a good festival. 

So, here's a question for you....

Regardless of whether you're a festival goer or not, if you could go to ANY festival for free.... which one would you choose? And would you go for the music, the atosphere, or something else? 

I think I'd choose either Sonisphere (for the music), Wilderness (for the atmosphere) or 70,000 Tonnes of Metal (because it's a metal festival ON A SHIP!!) 


I love love metal concerts! However, never been to a festival but I'd love to. This will happen in the next couple of years I hope, but then I might get addicted and have to visit all! 😂😂😂
Sign me up for secret pick me up squirreling 🐿 😄.

I love live music but festivals have never really appealed to me, another anxious person here! Having said that there's lots of things i wouldn't previously have considered that I am now open to experiencing!

I sympathise with not being able to attend I've been trying to get to comicon in cosplay for the last couple of years but it just doesn't seem to happen.

no not attending download have done the isle of white festival in the past...great fun

To answer Jess. Metal. On. A. Ship. Yes. Please. 😎🤘

I'm so gutted not to go to Download this year! I used to work at it every single year, such a great atmosphere, great bands and lovely people! Alas, work responsibilties have meant I can rarely ever get the time off to enjoy a festival anymore! I hope the weather is good for anyone who's going! xx

Sorry to hear you can't make it Leanne. I've never been to a festival. I've always wanted to go to T in the park, but yeah adult stuff gets in the way....and kids!

Sum Sub sounds like you had a fab time hahaha

The only festival id like to go to these days is the festival of sleep 💤💤💤

Yes I can jump on the wanting to go to a festival bus but can as I need to be an adult too :(

Stone Roses are playing Dublin next month and we were thinking of going but can't... 😞😢 My OH loves them and I had planned to surprise him with tickets but unfortunately X Y and Z has stolen my money :(

To answer Jess's question I would LOVE to go to TomorrowLand.... I have wanted to go for years and the older I get the less likely I'll go :'(

Oh my gosh Leanne, I was at that first Download too! If I remember correctly Marilyn Manson played with some backing dancers who had no knickers on! It caused quite a stir! Also, I'd love a vibrator style festival envy distroyer! I've just looked at the line up and saw Black Sabbath are playing! So much festival envy....

I also have a question to add ...

If you could witness watching any band live at a festival who would it be? Or is there a band you would watch again because they was simply that amazing ! 

For me it has to be Stone Roses . I saw them in their early days and would luv to see them again playing new material . They are one of those rare bands that make your hairs stand on end when listening to their music.

GeekyEleonor, where art thou? This is a thread for you ;).