escort work

Being an escort isn't actually illegal, is it?

No, as long as you pay your taxes and don't 'stand on a street corner'.

What happens with consent behind closed doors is perfectly legal,

Booties wrote:

Being an escort isn't actually illegal, is it?

keeping a brothel is illegal, the employers would be liable.

Escort agencies are illegal as is anyhting that involves using prostituiton to gain, so things like pimping. Working on the street is illegal too.

consent is an issue as well, no consent = assault. Certainly if drugs or issues of poverty are involed then it could be classed as "subjected to force". it depends on the case and there is no clear definitions of what subjected to force means, you never know when it is legal to pay or not to!

while it is technically legal it's not that easy to get out of a criminal charge for prostitution or any other charge that it brought. Often there's charges under the proceeds of crime act, if drugs are involved charges related to that too. while there may not be a charge of prostitution the CPS tries to get people on other charges, certainly the client would be in hot water.

acts have to be "in private" and it depends on how hotel rooms are classed as to if they are private (not sure on the law on that one,but tents are considered public) plus where the driver will be at the time.

your source states issues of "reckless transmission of STI" which can be anything from HIV to chlamidia ( though case law is shaky at present on lesser STI's, its traditionally syhpilis, ghonorea and hiv) transmission recklessly = assault, and it's hard to prove who infected whom.

Bondage and SM technically = assault as well, so charges could be brought for that.

The whole legal side of it is a minefield, personally I think it needs to be simplified and legallised. A legal and regulated brothel has to be safer than working alone and illegally.

Talking about the driver, could he also be in a position to be prosecuted as gaining from prostitution?


ghostgirl wrote:

The whole legal side of it is a minefield, personally I think it needs to be simplified and legallised. A legal and regulated brothel has to be safer than working alone and illegally.

Talking about the driver, could he also be in a position to be prosecuted as gaining from prostitution?


gaining from prostitution ususally isn't persued nowadays, it used to be used against the families of prostituites. But the prescence of a driver might make it a "public" place or something similar. most of the time the outcome of a case depends on the facts.

as it is the case law is relitivley new, and there's little precident over the whole system. Case law in this area is often not reported on either, so it's hard as a lawyer to advise a client on much more than statutes and reported cases. it usually takes time for the precedent cases to be known.

I'm doing a law degree and its confusing me, let alone anyone without the training!

The confusing thing is one of the reasons I think it should be legalised and regulated, but the main one has to be to promote the welfare issues linked to the sex industry as it currently is.

We all know that prostitution exists but as long as it is stimatised with being against the law it is unsafe for all involved.


i would love to be paid to give women oral..... Mmmmmmm

Dunca1348 wrote:

Personally I would like the idea of being a male escort, but I don’t think there is such a big market for straight male escorts out there.

Think you may be wrong on that one..... lots of business women staying in hotels like to pay for fun.... or so i have been told

Dunca1348 wrote:

maccess wrote:

Dunca1348 wrote:

Personally I would like the idea of being a male escort, but I don’t think there is such a big market for straight male escorts out there.

Think you may be wrong on that one..... lots of business women staying in hotels like to pay for fun.... or so i have been told

Sounds like an idea.

maybe you should set up your own website!

Hi everyone :)

I've been working as a prostitute for a little over a year, just thought I'd clear a few things up :)

The law is confusing and messy and really, really bad for safety etc, but working as an independent prostitute (no agency, no brothel, no pimp) is 100% legal. Running a brothel or agency is illegal (and that includes two indies sharing a flat, sadly) but working for one isn't. Being a client is never illegal unless it is found that the prostitute is under the age of 18 or forced/coerced into working. Best way to avoid trouble as a client is to only visit indie ladies who have a website/advertising profile that is well written and conveys personality - something they have obviously written themselves. Follow that up with a booking by telephone and make sure that you speak to the lady you intend to meet - although some indies employ a receptionist that is rare and could suggest a 'working flat' which is essentially a brothel, or a situation with a pimp.

'Escorting' is almost always prostitution. The word escort is essentially a euphamism that most of us use in our advertising because clients often prefer it - they feel less 'dirty' about visiting, I think. Many prostitutes also prefer it as they are in denial about the job, or it makes them feel more classy. A lot of marketing is about class - courtesan means you're gonna pay through the nose for chat and for her to be wearing pricy lingerie, and a lot of 'high class escorts' are the same. Most ladies using the term escort though, it's just marketing and covers pretty much all price ranges and work styles.

Prostitution is a business you can only really go into as a full time or serious part time job if you are looking to have sex with men (a straight or bisexual woman, or a gay or bisexual man). Yes there are a handful of women who pay for sex - however there are a LOT of male chancers who think they have what it takes to become an escort so your chance of being found is miniscule. Even if you are, the most successful straight male escorts I have known get maybe 2-3 bookings a month, often paid in gifts rather than actual cash, and get their work through word of mouth rather than traditional web advertising that women/gay men use. As a bisexual myself, and fairly well regarded in my region, I have never had a solo female client.

Safety wise it is far more important to have strong boundaries and screening than it is to have a driver (who may be seen as controlling for gain in the eyes of the law). Don't ever go to a residential address without a full name and proof that the client is in the building (a call from the landline no more than an hour before the appointment should do it). Hotels are safest because of CCTV, your own home is ok but it's best not to give out the full address until the last moment - get them to park up where you can see them from a window, take the car reg number down and make sure you can see that the client is alone before calling them with the house/flat number. And above all trust your instincts - if someone comes across creepy on first contact, asks too many personal questions, wants you to go into graphic detail about what you'll do ("do you offer anal" is a normal question, "do you love a thick cock in your ass" is not), etc etc... turn them down. At best they're a time waster/irritating douche who'll be hard work, but at worst they could be dangerous.

With regards to agency/brothel work - my advice would be go indie :P Agencies take a cut of your money, bout 30% usually but it can be more or less. If you do decide to work for other people bear in mind they shouldn't ask you for your real name or ID - some do to cover their own asses but you shouldn't hand it over unless you're 100% happy with the situation, and there are plenty who don't. Don't send any pictures showing your face until you're confident you want to work for the agency, and always meet the agency owner face to face for an interview before agreeing to anything. Most important rule is DO NOT pay to be featured by an agency. A legit agency will make their money from your comission, if they charge you up front it is a scam. There are lots of these running, often targetting straight men or everyone who wants to offer non-sexual escorting, but there are some that claim to be normal agencies for straight prossies, it makes no difference. No decent agency will ask you for money up front.

You'll also want to consider your boundaries sex-wise, never offer a service that you don't enjoy, your clients will be able to tell you're not into it, and you'll be miserable. There's a market for everything :) STD checks should be done every 3months - what you use condoms for and what you don't is entirely a personal choice. Generally vaginal or anal penetration is expected to be covered, with a minority offering unsafe bareback sex, wheras oral with/oral without there is much more debate with strong opinions on both sides from both workers and clients! It's best to talk to GUM clinic staff and experienced sex workers before making a decision either way, and make sure you're aware of the risks of anything you're about to do :)

Sorry for the epic length post, but I figure people might be reading this thread considering jumping into prostitution and it's important to have some safety info out there :) You should always do your own research into legal stuff, safety, any establishment you are considering working for, the sites you use to advertise, STDs... etc. It's also worth checking out, all the articles and the forums are really useful. Oh and I'll answer any questions you want to ask me, I think the best thing escorts can do to keep the sex industry as safe and non-exploitative as possible is to share information so I'm a totally open book :)

Stay safe everyone :)


Fantastic post from Krys, very informative. SG

thank you Krys for an honest and informative post, hope that it helps those who are thinking about it made a safe choice


I enjoyed Krys post as well. Informative. I would not go into it, but still enjoyed an insight into it by someone who works in it and knows the details.