everything's changed

So as those of you have given advice before will know I am in new relationship. When I told him what I liked in bedroom he was really stand offish about it all but has gradually tried some of it with me and am finding I hate it all now. He is putting this down to my past and the way others have been and my need to please people.

He is right I always have had that need but with him it's not there. Has anyone else found that their sexual likes have drastically changed with a new partner? Xx

THe best example I can think of and I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning her is with Naughty Mum.. Her new guy really worshipped her and swept her off her feet .She found a much more sensual side of a relationship of which was different to her previous relationships. She has found herself much more happier. Unfortunately she hasn't updated her threadblogg for quite some time but there isn't any reason to think she isn't as happy as when when she last posted.

For myself its more difficult to think about as I have been with the same partner now for over 26 years. However we have changed over time becoming more kinkier of late and more happy to experiment with new things.

Hey kayliixx, congratulations on the new relationship.. I completely can relate, previous relationship I was the dominant one, though rarely instigated sex. Now in my new relationship we both instigate, but im not as dominate n love him taking charge, also positions have changed loads... what also suprised me is I enjoy nipple n clit play where as before I hated it :)

Thanks so much am really lucky with hime hes always doing little things to make me smile and trying to sweep me off my feet. That's a bit like me I was always submissive and struggled to instigate due to confidence. I loved rough play and spanking etc but tbh I've became quite vanilla with him. I feel like that's enough to get me off when it never used to be also he is willing to try things I ask him to buy he rarely suggests things he wants to try and doesn't mind if I say no to ideas and drops it. Just didn't think my likes and dislikes would change so drastically so quickly xx

kayliixx wrote:

Thanks so much am really lucky with hime hes always doing little things to make me smile and trying to sweep me off my feet. That's a bit like me I was always submissive and struggled to instigate due to confidence. I loved rough play and spanking etc but tbh I've became quite vanilla with him. I feel like that's enough to get me off when it never used to be also he is willing to try things I ask him to buy he rarely suggests things he wants to try and doesn't mind if I say no to ideas and drops it. Just didn't think my likes and dislikes would change so drastically so quickly xx

Just maybe there was something missing in your previous relationship . I know I sound as though I am a soppy romantic type and that is true . I think you have perhaps this time fallen in love properly with this guy and those little butterflies are banging away which is exciting you and so it should. Its probably these feelings that are to the fore and therefore vanilla sex has perhaps far more meaning and is fulfilling your bodies requirements.

I wouldn't close the door on experimentation though but this maybe something in the future now as it was in my relationship.

I agree sounds like he's the one. So you feel it? When I met oh it was totally different to my previous relationship, He showed me what love means and gave me the respect I didn't have before.
Sounds like your ex may be similuar in that sense going on what you've said.
I agree with mysterin don't rule out experimenting in the future. Vanilla is great, amazing so much passion and you feel the love. After about 9-10 years together we started experimenting with toys and bondage and roleplay and are loving it aswell as vanilla.
It's awesome hearing you've got a guy who treats you well and he sounds like a keeper. Very happy for you hunni 💟xx

Thanks to both of you yeah he definately is a keeper, in every sense, silly things like coming home from work and my entire back garden was painted and grass cit decking done without being asked!! Always making me dinner and doing little things like having a cuppa or bath run for me!!

Yeah I love the vanilla don't get me wrong I'm loving introducing him to toys etc but just as happy without them. He makes me want to smile all the time and my sex drive that I lost is back so highly with him xx