
It’s a nice feature but I’m probably not going to follow anyone and I don’t really care about it. I’m just going to use the forum like how I have been all this time.


I agree, not sure it makes much difference, or alter the way i use the forum.


It doesn’t work though if the user’s public profile is hidden.

This is true.

I only discovered the whole following thing a few weeks back! Think I must have been living under a rock lol.
Not sure how much I’ll use the feature…only following two so far!


@wildflower Are you following me

I’m going to give it a try, the feed of posts from followed people looks interesting.

Yeah I’d suspect it’s only to follow a topic/post your interested in rather than an actual forum member as that would then turn things on here into a social media type following system which I personally think wouldn’t be healthy for this neutral space to have :nerd_face:

There’s a poll from Brenna here to find out whether the forum wants who you’re following and who is following who to be visible. Currenyly it is if your profile is set to visible but it’s not exactly prominent. It seems most of us don’t care :+1:t2:.

@wildflower shhhhh I am still under that rock hun :kissing_heart:

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Awesome! Thank you for linking that in :slightly_smiling_face: quite an intriguing poll results