
I've read about its use in 'The Diary of a Submissive' and had forgotten about it until I noticed it today in the local supermarket.

I have no intention to use it myself for a sexual nature but I wondered if anyone else wished to share their experience(s)?

I've obviously read some descriptions, about how it "heats up" etc, just wondered if anyone could explain their own likes or dislikes.


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Ginger is essential in any good curry, indeed most Asian cousine.

Ginger women have something (strangely sexy) about them.

Apart from that don't really know what you're talking about

Friend of Biggles? (Is that anything like friend of Dorothy's? :-D
<3 W

Ah, it's even on wiki

It's something I personally don't want to try.

I've also read in one of my books that people use to use it on horses, but I can't remember if it was to make them quicker for a race, or cheaper when being sold (a buyer being sneaky and inserting it, horse goes wild, price lowered).

It's actually meantion a lot now scince it's been plugged into Sophie's books. Maybe it should be added to the wiki page, but I'm not sure how that works really.

The Nymphomaniac wrote:

Ah, it's even on wiki

It's something I personally don't want to try.

I've also read in one of my books that people use to use it on horses, but I can't remember if it was to make them quicker for a race, or cheaper when being sold (a buyer being sneaky and inserting it, horse goes wild, price lowered).

It's actually meantion a lot now scince it's been plugged into Sophie's books. Maybe it should be added to the wiki page, but I'm not sure how that works really.

*snigger* :D

Nympho (Hi long time no speak!) Ginger is used to liven up old horses so they appear friskier and hence younger: fetch a better price
<3 W

Wilkibo wrote:

Nympho (Hi long time no speak!) Ginger is used to liven up old horses so they appear friskier and hence younger: fetch a better price
<3 W

AH thanks. Knew there was something about horses ^_^

Wilkibo wrote:

Nympho (Hi long time no speak!) Ginger is used to liven up old horses so they appear friskier and hence younger: fetch a better price
<3 W

Learn something new every day!

Don't what Biggles would make of Ginger making horses frisky!


First ginger, then what... capsicum w/ capsaicin? Vegetarian-friendly habanero plugs... cayenne pepper dildos...

ouch ouch ouch :D

repliquant wrote:

First ginger, then what... capsicum w/ capsaicin? Vegetarian-friendly habanero plugs... cayenne pepper dildos...

ouch ouch ouch :D

^_^ I so want one too... love chilli.

Well it appears not many of you have heard of this before. I must admit I found it odd when I discovered it.


Long Time Cumiing wrote:

Well it appears not many of you have heard of this before. I must admit I found it odd when I discovered it.

Wilkibo wrote:

Don't what Biggles would make of Ginger making horses frisky!

What I find odd is that apparently I'm not the only one that remembers Biggles

Ginger figging has been discussed on the forums before

Just the thought of it scares the shit out of me ( bad pun very much intended)

Gets me coat .........


The Nymphomaniac wrote:

^_^ I so want one too... love chilli.

I didn't know about these toys — thanks for the pointer! There are some very fine glass works in that line. A few would even qualify as beautiful. Sadly, the thickest is 4.5 cm, from what I've seen.

I'd love to own a column or a bulge tower that is anywhere between 6 and 8 cm. In that diameter range, there are only plugs to be had (from other brands), with only one exceeding 61 mm — clocking in at 70 mm, to be exact. ... Sigh.

Raw ginger is very good for settling an upset stomach, slin it and cut up finely, settles very quickly!

Not the usual line on this site but what the h*ll

More useless Ginger Facts:
Without Ginger, Ginger Nuts would just be Nuts
The colour Ginger (as in Ginger Hair) is more copper, Ginger the root does not feature the colour Ginger at all.
Ginger Hair is a genetic mutation and may become extinct in 100 years.
January 12th is annual Kiss a Ginger day.
Apparently the sex lives of women with red hair is more active than those with other hair colours, with more partners and having sex more often than the average.
The cuffs do match the collar.

Disclaimer - I’m not Ginger

I’ve tried ginger root a few times mostly it was pretty tame results, if you want to try something different a bit of Tiger Balm is “quite interesting” only tried it on my bum