Girth help

Any suggestions on how to train gfs pussy and my bum to take girth to build it up in a fun way

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The best way probably would be butt plugs and dildos in increasing sizes and regular use. Without regular use, the progress you’ve made will revert as the muscles contract again.

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Personally the anus can stretch with a good butt plug - don’t over stretch the vagina- you will regret it later


Maybe try an inflatable butt plug or dildo as it’ll allow you to steadily increase size at a comfortable pace

@batjamboree of course nothing should be OVERstretched, but I’m curious as to why he’ll regret it later? Are you just saying not to risk tearing?

@wonderboyo_1982 - I’m sure no body wants a baggy loose vagina- keep it tight will keep your man happy too

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For anal training you can’t beat the Doc Johnson Titan Intimidator. It starts off relatively small and you can stretch yourself slowly to the size to want.