
What does it mean to you? I'd love to hear some opinions over this elusive, abstract concept. If you had to define what happiness was to you, what would you say?

For me to feel happy I need to feel financial secure (not rich) but not owing anyone anything, managing. This doesn't on its own make me happy but it would stop me feeling happy if it wasn't the case.

True happiness to me is a sence of freedom, nature, wild untamed power (like strong winds or thunder). I'm at my happiest when I'm wild swimming with my best friend. Time seems irrelavent and we don't need to talk we know each other that well we know what eachothers wants. I love the freedom of swimming (naked preferably) in cold clean water,being part of the natural environment.

I really sound like a hippy.

Other than that, being embraced by OH makes me feel loved wanted and safe, and this makes me happy. And finally my dog, he has this great ability to make me smile and feel happy, even when I'm sad tired or stressed, just a nudge and a cuddle and I'm happy again.

Being satisfied with what you have, however much that is. Feeling content with life the way it is. Living in the present, not worrying about the past or future.

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My daughter :) that is the complete meaning if happiness to me xx

Happiness- Financial stability ,stable relationship and family stability.

Man United winning the championship ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

No debts finances ok, being secure with hubby, no toxic family.

You read my mind Kittencub, especially about security and toxic family

No money worries, no relationship problems and lots of time with my kids. Also, having the chance to nap makes me very happy :)

Having a good day from my awful illnesses.


Until I met my OH, I used to think I felt more at home on an aeroplane than anywhere else. But for me airports bring excitment and a feeling of content that I've been able to find elsewhere. That feeling when I'm waiting to board my plane and I just think of all the happy memories to follow. I've seen alot of the world and the feeling has never gone away.

Love, family, health, financial security and Lovehoney. :)

mysteron wrote:

Happiness- Financial stability ,stable relationship and family stability.

Man United winning the championship ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

You'd need relegation first... 😁

Stability in work, the home, financial sense and having people around you who accept you for what and who you are in your self and allows you to be yourself (to an extent!)

Honestly, not much.

I appreciate the small things. With all the terrorism of late, I appreciate freedom. Going for a walk with my dog, taking a drive somewhere, shopping etc. the fact this is denied to many, it doesn't make me happy but certainly makes me appreciate the freedom I do have.

Seeing gay/lesbian couples loud and proud in public makes me happy for them. I am happy to be alive in the day and age that gay freedom is now a part of life.

Donating to charities, volunteering.

My holiday to Cornwall last week, on my own, made me happy. There is nothing like having a holiday by yourself and having only yourself to please. May not suit most, but for an introvert like me, it is ideal.

Happiness to me is being able to smile at the small things...

A funny shaped cloud
A bad joke from a child
Someone making you a cuppa without asking

That is because ultimately the small things all add up to big things. I have long thought that if we focus more in making the small things better that big things will sort themselves out.

To me it is feeling safe, financially, emotionally and physically. I also really appreciate the small things in life, like having a walk in a forest, going for a picnic by a river, just really being in nature makes me very happy. Also, at long last I am happy with myself, and my choices, which has taken a long while to get to. My ultimate happiness is being with Mr Scorpius, I feel so blessed to have found such a wonderful man to share my life with :) xx

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To me happiness is a transient feeling, ephemeral and mercurial, more slippery than soap in the bath. I find it's more likely to come when I don't think about it. It rarely has anything to do with material things but is likely to be triggered by a smile or casual remark from my OH, having a good time with friends or a beautiful sunrise.

Contentment on the other hand is a more lasting, background feeling. It is a result of being financially secure, in a solid relationship with a loving woman, being able to believe in the future. We always have at least two holidays planned and often a number of short trips, visits to and from friends, so life feels fairly full but with enough loose time to reflect on it all.

I wake up every morning with my arms around my wonderful wife thinking I am truly blessed.

Then there's that post-orgasmic closeness, falling asleep together. That's pure distilled Nirvana, cask trength.

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Aqualaria wrote:

You read my mind Kittencub, especially about security and toxic family

I ditched them 9 years ago best thing I ever did, best thing now have loving hubby 2 in laws who worship the ground I walk on, not in a bad way they are the parents I never had,.

I think I equate hapiness with being peaceful and "in the moment"....

When I can set aside the worry, stress and other "demons" and just feel and live.

Those moments come in many ways but my favorites and the unplaneed boughts of laughter with my baby, the times I fall alseep and can shut my mind off, the feelings of truly connecting with other people....

learning ot love me, with all my flaws and scars and just making peace that even when I fail, I know I tried and those who know me know my heart.

Is my life perfect, no... am I learning to stop seeking perfection and instead just embracing who I am and we are and living life, yes. That to me brings happiness.

Simple ......making others happy makes me happy. X

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