Have you ever been so excited

…that you came without touching yourself?

Its happened to me twice. First time was when i decided to try out crossdressing many moons ago. I went the whole hog, fully shaved everywhere. I bought some supermarket hold ups and panties, as i got halfway up my leg with the second stocking, i came buckets!


Truthfully? No.
I don’t really have anything else to say other than that.

It’s so good to know you love crossdressing
I assist men to crossdress in the local area and I see the results when I get them dressed and made up - they clearly are very excited and cannot thank me enough

I say to any man - don’t just think about it - go and do it :stockings:

However I would never recommend hold up stockings- use a suspender belt and traditional stockings


No, close a few times, but never managed it.

Would love you to help my oh

For me I can cum without touch. Just the thought of him can get me wet :smirk:


The only time I’ve actually cum without touching myself (other than a really naughty dream!) is by going down on the OH! It gets me so hard just having my face between her legs and if she squirts it’s game over :sweat_drops::joy:


Is he currently a crossdresser or not sure about it
I believe as a woman it’s easy to encourage your man to enjoy the pleasure of lingerie/ but harder to get them to dress in feminine items

I find the best items for a man to wear is a skirt and white blouse on top of some beautiful lingerie- my husband likes to wear a girdle as this keeps his belly in and attaches to stockings and I like to see these on him

Just talk to him - but why not surprise him with done bits and dress him (a bit of alcohol helps)


It was hold ups that first time for and for a while after, now stockings and suspenders all the way!

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I bet you look wonderful in them as well - well done :+1:

No sadly not i do try to bring the subject up . However during covid whilst we was training he did wear my knickers but sadly nothing after thanks for the advice you should open a shop in cardiff hope your keeping well

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I sometimes watch porn on my tablet whist watching tv, the OH has no idea and have twice cum in my underwear with no external stimulation

LMAO! Oh, I could take that comment in so many directions. :smiley:

Yes, it happens to me. Usually when I’ve been anticipating sex for a while. My husband and I have a routine where we often have sex in the garage immediately when he gets home. There’s been more than one time where I get to the garage, and I’m just so ready that I have an orgasm before he even gets to me. I feel it coming on and I have to squat and cum on the floor. Its also happened on waking up in the morning.