Hobbies and other interests

I like to keep fit so going the gym, walking & riding are my main hobbies.


A bit of music, a bit of photography, a bit of videography, watching films, a bit of scuba diving, a bit of travelling. I guess I like to keep things varied.

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I love music, I listen to some form of music almost all day long! I enjoy films and anything to do with nature. We get a fair bit of wildlife in our garden and that can be entertaining to watch in the evenings.Recently got back into belly dancing ( thereā€™s some great tuition videos online) in a bid to tone things up a bit, I really enjoy it,not only as a form of exercise but also the music!


I love playing dungeons and dragons with my friends more than nearly anything else :blush:


Lego.Making beer.And making free furniture from reclaimed wood.


Me too!

Other half thinks heā€™s the second man in my life after my horse ā€¦heā€™s right Iā€™m afraid :woman_shrugging:t2:


Lots of horsey people on here :grin: I havenā€™t ridden in about a year but I really love horses too and generally ride western xx

Tending our allotment and gardening


My garden, baking and sex :joy:


@Bex84 I love my photography. I usually spend hours taking photos and then uploading them to Instagram :camera::camera_flash:


Loving seeing gardeners on here too :grin: I finally got my dream and am renting a field next to our house that so far we have chickens and a veggie patch on :slightly_smiling_face:xx


Hello all hope all are well and keeping safe my other hobbies are No 1 my Harleyā€™sā€¦then my garage ā€¦gardensā€¦keep fit

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At the moment im getting back into reading (the new twilight book, sad i know) but also love gaming and baking. A good old Netflix binge aswel with all the junk iā€™ve baked :joy:

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Iā€™ve long been a fan of collage and started incorporating textiles into my collages earlier this year. After that I started using a weaving loom and itā€™s my favourite thing to do now (other than ride my bicycle).


I enjoy reading, Iā€™m really interested in anything to do with Native American culture, Knights Templar history, Aztec, Incan and Mayan cultures, Japanese history/origins of Samurai and Ninja, and big cats especially tigers :slightly_smiling_face:

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I love Music and Video Games but get very little time to play as being a dad is no 1 everything

I love photography, reading, being generally crafty, painting, getting outside and seeing new places. Havenā€™t really felt very creative recently though :confused:


Keen gardener here. Love to ā€˜rescueā€™ plants from the ā€˜we might actually be dyingā€™ reduced section of garden centres and watch them thrive with a bit of love (correct position, home-made compost and gallons of water). Also have a chainsaw ticket and love to volunteer in my local NT forestry dept. Sometimes being out in the garden or woods is the thin wedge that keeps my mental facilities ticking over.


@Gosig @Justthe2ofus2007 i work in retail and it saddens me that we are onliged to sell plants, but are not allowed to water them for slip and trip health and safety bullshit! I often think i could save those with a bit of TLC!

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Itā€™s very satisfying to revive a dying plant!