Hobbies you couldn't go without?

I thought I'ld start something a tad different.

What is or are your hobbies that are a big part in your life?

Being a full time carer for two people, I realized there were long periods of time during a day or whenever that I was stuck with what to do, But unable to get out and have any kind of social life, So I needed to find something to keep my mind and hands, Lol and in my case, My ears, Busy!.........

As for me, Im predomminently an Audiophile. Its a bitch of a hobby on the wallet, But since the age of 8 I was introduced to what sounded good and what sounded bad, I got hooked and although I had a lull for many years I stayed hooked ever since, Over the last year Ive been re-aquanting myself with the hobby & it really does grab hold of you lol, Always on the search for that perfect balance between all the gear, And also recently, Ive got into the portable side of it all, LOL I have more pairs of headphones than I do speakers!

Photography. Funnely enough, This one was born out of my other hobbies, I take a lot of photo's of my various hobbies for online boards, Clubs etc, And in turn I found myself wanting better image quality and wanting to take more interesting shots outside of my interests.

Car modifying. This one again has been in me since I was about 11 I think, I saw a Beetle Cab at Run To The Sun in Newquay and fell in love! Once I got the bug well, It also stayed with me!

And then theres the Computers & Gaming.

Last but not least, Cookery, I love pottering around in the kitchen either thinking up something new, Or copying a nice recipe I want to cook.

So what keeps you busy when you're not doing anything else?

Oooh I love cookery too! Since my depression got worse(ish?) I can't focus on it so really rather upset I avoid cooking at the moment! :(

I'm artistic and love photography too. I feel weird when I don't go to my painting class. I was just thinking before I read this as well that I wish I had a massive house or a job which would fulfil my love for decorating!!!! I guess buying pretty junk for my home is a hobby! Xx

Feel like im been a bit of a copy cat but i really do love cooking. Little addicted to the food channel i must admit.

Made my first slow cooked beef and ale pie the other week, nothing like some good homely food :D

Besides that my hobby used to be gymnastics up until the age of about 13. Stupidly i got eczema on my arms and legs which made me feel really self concious so i made excuses not to go. HUGELY regret it now as before leaving i had just came 2nd in a city competition, and 1st on beam, and 3rd on floor.

These days i think my hobbies are typical for a 21 year old. Pub, Cinema, Festivals, Gigs (stereophonics next week)

Running, im addicted. I used to laugh at all the sad people out pounding the roads in all weather. Now im one of them.

The pub and cinema is a hobby!?? Aaaaa I didn't know! I always panic and fail when people ask my hobbies and scuttle off thinking I'm a loser! I tend to hesitate then just say I'm an artist haha xx

I used to enjoy cake decorating until I started work, then never had the time or energy for it. Would love to start it back up again though =]

maltedmilk wrote:

The pub and cinema is a hobby!?? Aaaaa I didn't know! I always panic and fail when people ask my hobbies and scuttle off thinking I'm a loser! I tend to hesitate then just say I'm an artist haha xx

Ha is the pub not a hobby? Well i guess i dont have any then. True though. In that case ill say cooking.

Went though a fase of entering online competitions. The moneysavingexpert forums have excellent lists. Twitter do go contests too.

Photography is probably my biggest hobby. Even went as far as studying it at uni, but it completely killed my passion for it...slowly starting to get the passion back though.

Oh, and as Seduced probably already knows, motorsport. :P I love, love, love watching most types of motorsport!

you should get tickets to nitro circus. looks awesome

mylastserenade wrote:

you should get tickets to nitro circus. looks awesome

Ohhh just had a look on their site, looks fantastic and they're coming to my city! :D

Would probably be an expensive family day out though, haha.

SophieM wrote:

Photography is probably my biggest hobby. Even went as far as studying it at uni, but it completely killed my passion for it...slowly starting to get the passion back though.

Oh, and as Seduced probably already knows, motorsport. :P I love, love, love watching most types of motorsport!

I certainly do ya petrolhead! And your photo's look great on your profile, I had a feeling photography was your thing :)

Ork wrote:

Warhammer 40k particularly Orks lol.


I used to do this when I was younger with my house mate, LOL the living room was always full of models, boards, scrap materials for building scenes etc,

A rainy sunday consisded of getting the bears and nibbles in, then building my Black Templar army.

He had a Space Wolf army iirc ?!

Amature dramatics. It's something me and my OH do but in seperate groups, musicals and pantomime... could I do with out it? ...Oh no I couldn't!! lol

Blood Angels, Guard, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Empire, Lizardmen, Vampire Counts....

racked my brains for hobbies, and best I can manage is going to the gym, but that's neccessity rather than a hobby, ermm.

drinking guinness???

reading.......... dear lord I clearly need a life!!! Fast!

mrs average wrote:

Amature dramatics. It's something me and my OH do but in seperate groups, musicals and pantomime... could I do with out it? ...Oh no I couldn't!! lol

Without my hobbies my life would cave in!

With all our 'issues' we're having, My hobbies are the only thing apart from my son keeping me sane

I love baking only problem is when i make loads of cakes i have to eat them :)

Cooking and yoga.

Seduced wrote:

SophieM wrote:

Photography is probably my biggest hobby. Even went as far as studying it at uni, but it completely killed my passion for it...slowly starting to get the passion back though.

Oh, and as Seduced probably already knows, motorsport. :P I love, love, love watching most types of motorsport!

I certainly do ya petrolhead! And your photo's look great on your profile, I had a feeling photography was your thing :)

Haha, and thank you. :)

I do have other hobbies as well...baking / cooking, reading, walking, and watching films!

Pretty normal things really.

I think sometimes a hobby can quite quickly, easily and quite unexpected become an obsession.

Me and my mate were talking about my being an audiophile the other day and he didnt understand why I change and upgrade my gear so much, He enjoys sound/music as much as I but he's quite happy with the hi fi he's had for ten years now. Its an awesome Pioneer system that I quite like.

I explained to him that after a while a certain set of speakers or headphone for example will lose its edge for me, And I just know there's something better or better suited out there. I just cant stick to a certain rig for longer than a year.

My hi fi's are constantly in a state of flux where one unit will get swapped for something newer or with different features, And most importantly with a different sound signature.

Dont even get me started on cables lmao.

Anyway, I fully accept that this is my obsession, And I dont need therapy lol!!! It in itself is a form of therapy for me :)

Do any of you consider your hobby a boarderline obsession/addiction???