How do you clean the inside of a douche?

So we have the Lovehoney Basic Douche kit, we’ve been using them for years with no problems but for one thing. How do you clean it internally? We rinse the bulb out & turn it upside down to get as much water out as possible but over time it gets a dark like scum (think pond residue around the outside), disgusting I know :face_vomiting:. We tried bleach, dishwasher & even used a baby bottle brush but with no real joy. Failing throwing it away, any tips from you guys?

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When it gets that bad, fuzz it, you don’t want any of that near your insides.

When I had mine I would try to dry it after draining it using kitchen roll or similar to absorb what was left before letting the rest air dry.


I’ll be purchasing a new one soon. It’s a shame because apart from that, there’s nothing wrong with it.

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Douche the douche, yeah I know it’s not no help just sounded funny


All I can think of is maybe use hot water?

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Tried that too. It’s because it stays slightly damp in there. My new one I might put it on top of a radiator to dry it out.

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Yes that makes sense… shame there isn’t any types of bulbs that have a cleaning opening for it

I have this one:

The nozzle screws off so it’s easier to clean. After use, I’ll soak them both in a sink full of hot, soapy water for around 20-30 minutes. I also make sure to pump the water through the bulb and nozzle. Then I leave them to air dry standing on a paper towel so the liquids can drain out properly. So far so good.

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