How people react

I have been on the forum now over 2 years and I have been intrigued by users. There have been a number of users that offer great advice/stories on the forum but then suddenly stop contributing. Are their posts total fabrication and they get bored. Do they fall out with LH and cut all ties. Are they seriously ill and cannot contribute. We have lost some great users and I really wonder why?


I think sometimes peoples lives and priorities change meaning they no longer have the free time to contribute anymore.
I’ve been guilty of this myself, I used to be on here everyday but now my work takes first place.


I used to be super active on here but as @wildflower said it’s peoples lives that get in the way.

For example I started a new role that means I’m super busy and have a young family so just don’t get as much time as I used to.

Even if people don’t comment they no doubt check in from time to time.


I used to be incredibly active back in 2013-2018 - then life just got in the way and I found myself with less time on my hands. It just happens! Sometimes people just get bored and naturally just drift away. But sometimes they come back… I did after a 4 year gap!

Same here, I was active a few years ago then stopped for a while and came back.

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I suppose they’re just not in the mood anymore? Like I’ve had big breaks in social medias, in fandoms, I’ve also stopped playing tabletop rpgs because I wasn’t into it, but I stayed in the moderation of our big community for a couple more years, then I got exhausted and completely left.

Can also be people who came to post a topic, stayed around to see the replies and meanwhile just gave their share of replies, then left because they either got what they wanted or stopped waiting.

I agree with what most others have said - life sometimes just takes over, and this is definitely the case for me at the moment. I used to have regular downtime on my own and this allowed me to be on the forums quite a lot, playing, testing and all the other good stuff. In recent months I’ve got a promotion at work, plus Mr FYEO is now home full time rather than working away 5 days a week. We’ve had a crazy month full of lots of adventures so the forum has taken a backseat. I’m still reviewing and having a wonderful time with testers and intend for this to continue but popping on and off the forum and interacting isn’t as regular as it was (although still popping in at least once a day!)


I think life just gets in the way most of the time.

Seems pretty odd to register to a forum to fabricate a bunch of stuff and I can’t really see anyone doing that.

For me, life has just been super busy. I’m starting a new job, blogging, being a full-time dad and husband as well as a bunch of other stuff and I just don’t have time to get on here as much as I would like.
I review and test but I only really reply to topics that catch my eye, rather than just replying to everything like I used to.

Same as what has been said above, but we also tend to comment when we have something to add, rather than replying to every topic discussed.


Thank you for everyone’s comments, I think we will have to put it down to life taking over at times.


I think that peoples priorities change and there’s been a massive change over the last 2 years :+1:

I’ve only been a member 2 and 1/2 years @steve19 myself.

Some members get suspended after warnings for rule breaking…think a few get recognised and feel uncomfortable. I have noticed from past posts some do trip themselves up with things they have said that then contradict what they are saying now. Some probably get fed up…and maybe some think it’s a quick way to get free sex toys and lingerie to test and find out it isn’t.

But like others have said I think it’s mostly that things happen…life…it has to me and for me personally I have had a few weeks away / days a few times as I’ve needed to be quiet whilst I have had traumatic events to sort and make sense of before I could be myself on here.

You just wouldn’t believe it…but I’ve not wanted to spill it all for the world to see…

Not forgetting we’ve had Covid which has had a massive impact on all our lives one way or another…jobs…relationships…family life…deaths and illnesses…then the cost of living and the possibility of war.

Sometimes a break away is a good thing…and I’ve seen members come back after years away like @DavidB1986 I have read alot of old posts it was good to see them back again.


I go through spits and spurts of being active. This is purely just because of life. I work full time, have 2 children, a house to keep and play taxi to the eldest on training days which is anywhere up to 5 days a week. I just dont always have the time to be on here every day. I would say this is generally the case for most people but i do enjoy sometimes just having a read through the topics if i havent always got time to sit and comment :blush:


I gothrough spells, i check in regularly but hardly post. Also i find it can be rather boring on here from time to time

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Been a member for over 12 years and hardly visited or posted, but since Lockdown i have visited daily and love the nice community it has become. I understand life gets in the way for some members, and do miss some who were regular posters but suddenly stopped, and hope they’re alright.


I do visit and read most days, but I have to admit I post in fits and starts. It really depends on my mood I suppose. As someone said up thread, I do get bored at times. Then there is a batch of stuff I want to post on, so I do a big hit.

I view LH as a happy place, so there are occasions where I read something that just makes me sign off for a bit. Particularly, people being judgmental of others (when there is absolutely no need) and even people saying “well I wouldn’t do that” on a thread in a pushy or aggressive way. Not every kink is for everyone, people get that, and this place is lovely most of the time for finding people who like such kinks. There was a period a few months back where I thought there was a lot of judgmental posts, but luckily, that seems to have died back.

I think another reason why some leave is the rules. They don’t like them, and yet in the most part, the rules are what makes this place safe and lovely.

I am sad at not knowing what happens to some people, again, like @WillC I hope they are OK.


You are spot on with your comments, I think the rules do set the site to be overall good and very pleasant. I do miss some of the real characters that suddenly stop posting but as many have said life may have just taken over.


I think it’s mostly when life gets in the way for whatever reason and it becomes more of a chore to contribute on here rather than a pleasure and it effectively alters the way they can be of help to others so makes sense to just step back until in a better place :slightly_smiling_face:

What a great post @steve19 and some very true and honest responses from the forum :raised_hands:

Likewise with a lot of responses, its more down to current life and work commitments and what time we have availble to post, also as per @AJSTAR i will only post when i think we really have some helpful and truthful feedback to add.

Agree with all of the above, especially @Kh1985 - while I log in near enough every day, I definitely have times when I am more active on here! Its a mix of what is going on in my life, how hormonal/horny I am at the time, and also the content of the threads that are up.

When I see a duplicate thread on a topic which I’ve contributed to previously, I dont like just repeating myself and stay quiet, so if others feel the same and there are lots of them, hey may drift away :thinking: