How to eradicate cellulite

Alicia interesting article I do take fish oil and flax seed oil supplements maybe that is helping a bit as well and I didn't even know it :)

Was Alexia that's incredibly interesting. Thanks hunni πŸ˜˜πŸ’–xx

Since starting this overdramatic thread (it has upset me though) I've discovered a whopping 90% off us women suffer from cellulite which is a massive amount, I had no idea how common it is for lasses πŸ˜•

I've upped the water intake, bought bio oil, a scrub which has a 100% cashback guarantee, a cream, a glove, a mitt thingy, have been doing more exercises (it goes from one extreme to another, like one week I'll awesome the next non-so but its about finding the balanced.) Flax seed oil and fish oil are going on the to-do list.

There's been a slight reduction I think, will be keeping up with the new routine and watching meals as they're obviously important too. New year new startπŸ‘

Just thinking about stretch marks after reading a post, been reading about them and there's a whole load of causes such as pregnancy (which means they're a beautiful mark from bringing children I into the world πŸ˜„), genetics, weight gain and other reasons. There are a few other reasons too. Many women have them and men get them too (you learn something new everyday)

There's products out there that can help reduce them πŸ‘

I love Bio-Oil, it's an amazing product!

Bio-Oil Is fantatsic! I have a scar on my hand due to a terrible tattoo and it's helped massively.Β