How to eradicate cellulite

Hi, *removed by moderator* I've developed cellulite. It's absolutely devastated me. Please can you lovelies give me tips as to how to get rid of it once and for all?

Thanks so much 💜xx

Hi slinky in reality I think your stuck with it. There are things you can do to reduce its apearence, basically firm massage. I would invest in some nice oil ( I like bio oil) and a firm massager like the purple or red one sold here, and massage in a circular direction twice a day.

Dont forget our inperfections are what make us unique.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news here but I don't think there's any way to get rid of it permanently.
From what I've read the best you can do is try to make it less obvious by losing any excess weight ( if you're overweight to start with ) doing exercise to tone up your muscles as most cellulite seems to be situated on the thighs and bum and drinking lots of water .
I've found a bit of some fake tanning moisturiser can help disguise it a little too .
Don't be ashamed Slinky .....most women ( not sure about men ) have got some degree of cellulite, I certainly have it on my thighs and bum ! I'm lots of others will come on and tell you the same xx

Unfortunately, you can't get rid of cellulite completely. There are lots of articles on how to reduce it, but many women in their mid-late 20's and early 30's have some so it's nothing to be ashamed of x

It doesn't affect us guys as far as I am aware . We age in different ways .

But I agree with Wildflower toning up excercises will help but not cure it.

Nothing to be ashamed of, I have many women come to me in the salon asking me how to get rid of it.. you can't. But you can reduce the appearance by drinking heaps of water, and lots of excercise. No oils, scrubs etc will get rid of it x

Agree with what everyone else has said and there's no solution I'm afraid to say. I had it at size 20 and still have it at size 6/8. I just don't worry about it any longer as I've learnt that there's no point and the majority of women have it and those that don't either are blessed with good genetics or have been airbrushed.
I was hoping a bit of spanking would have helped mine a bit as it can help break it down alas that hasn't made any difference yet but I shall keep trying 😀
Try not to worry as we are our own worst enemies of our imperfections and nobody else seems to notice them.

It's just one of those things you have to put up with, i have heard over the years that coffee/caffiene can help reduce it you just have to massage left over coffee grounds from a cafetiere or coffee machine over your cellulite it won't eradicate it but improve the appearance

Thanks so much Fun Louise, Wildflower, Sugarboobies and lil red kinky boots for making me feel much better 😙

It isn't bad, infact it's barely visable but I was worried I was on a sloppy slope. I do drink plenty of water as it is and shall increse my exercise which I've been doing of late. Hopefully by the time I'm done they'll barely be visable. That I can live with 😃

Thanks so much everyone you've made me feel much better.

One more question. Would a cellulite brush or oil help at all?

Thanks 💜xx

myghost wrote:

It's just one of those things you have to put up with, i have heard over the years that coffee/caffiene can help reduce it you just have to massage left over coffee grounds from a cafetiere or coffee machine over your cellulite it won't eradicate it but improve the appearance

Ooh this is a good tip which I'll be trying tonight 😃💜xx

Slinky I have got lots of cellulite. I'm a bigger girl size 18/20, and hav cellulite on my thighs (inside and out) bottom and slightly on the insid of my upper arms. I don't know if there is a genetic tendancy towards it, my mother is a big woman and is covered in it, legal arms bottom and some on her lower abdomen. My grandmother (mothers mother) was stick thin size 6 but 5'9" tall and she had loads too.

Does your mother/sister ect have much?


I've got cellulite too and you know I am quite small and young. This has nothing to do with anything. You do not look less attractive because of that or anything. Just don't worry about it.

I guess exercise would make it better and would be good for you (as for anybody), but don't think too much about it. it's just normal and some people have it more than other etc.

I have it and I do feel the following helps but does not eliminate it:

1. strength training / toning. If on your legs / bum spend some time lunging, squatting and lifting weights.

2. a decent lotion / cream to keep skin hydrated. I use a lotion you can buy affordably at a drug store that says "skin tightening: on the label and I massage it in to my legs / tigh and butt area and alternate with a "bio oil" every other day. The bio oil is a bit more pricey but I love the feeling of it.

It is something most women have. Sorry this has upset you so much but know you have a lot of "sisters" here who understand.

Fun Louise - I've sent an sos to my maw to see if she gets cellulite and I'll get back to you when she's replied. My sister's don't have it. So maybe it's not a genetic thing.

I've got it mildly on my bum 😕but hopefully with lots of work I'll be able to pretty much eradicate it 😄xx

Mamz - you say the sweetest things. Thars true it doesn't make us less attractive as it's a part of us 😃

I've been alot more active of late so I'd say that will all but shift it 😃💜xx

Vanessa - you've made me feel so much better 😃

I'll be exercising frequently doing the exercises you listed. And have been exercising way more lately
I'll get a decent lotion/cream as you suggested, along with bio oil. I'm about to purchase them just now 😄

Thanks hunni 💜xx

Plus, exercising is SSOOOOO good for your mental health! It's like killing two birds with one stone (if that is the expression in english)

You got it in English 'killing two birds in one stone'

We've been far more active you'll be pleased to hear hunni 💜xx

That's interesting Alicia 😊 thank you for finding that out. My diet is pretty much right (well it was, need to get back on it fully). I think I'm going to try the omega oil capsules it's worth a try 😃

Body brushing will help to a degree, but exercising is your best bet to minimise it but once you got it, you got it. Don't waste your money on these fad lotions slinky x

Like others have said, you can't really escape cellulite. It really does have nothing to do with being fat as 90% of women have it and I've known women who are around 100 lbs and still have it. It is actually a secondary sex characteristic, induced by hormones such as estrogen. You can treat it but it's not really a permanent sollution. I suggest finding ways to embrace it. If it's about how you're perceived by your partner, I'm sure they don't care and love you for who you are anyway.

I used to do some work for a very well known cosmetics company whilst on maternity leave. I got a free cellulite erasing kit. It was a morning lotion, evening lotion, a massage thing and a boob lifting cream. It didn't make a jot of difference to cellulite but it made my skin soft!