How to find my reviews?

I am looking through my toy box and recent orders and can’t work out what I have missed reviewing, there must be plenty. Is there a central page to view my previous reviews like the old page in my profile, or do I just have to guess if I posted a review? I’ve even tried searching for my review name, but that doesn’t flag them, only content.


I think all you can do is check the product pages and look through the reviews I think. If they sort the wish lists back out then you can always have a “to review” list which is what I used to do. But that doesn’t help with the checking now


With the new layout of the forum I do not believe any old reviews have been kept on our profiles. Just have fun reviewing them again :wink:

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nobody knows anymore, even some of my order have gone missing


Yes you have to go onto each item you ordered rot find your reviews. I really wish they would bring back the page where you can see all of your reviews in one place.
@Lovehoney_Brenna anyway this would be able to be brought back? xx


@Lovehoney_Brenna / @Lovehoney_Nick I wish it was easier to see your orders, rather than three at a time then having to drill down into them. I would write some more reviews but it’s really too hard to see what I’ve ordered


This is also a big issue, I look at my toys (especially the neglected ones that didn’t do it for me) and then can’t really find them again very easily. Looking through previous orders feels a chore compared to previously when I’d just open each of them in a separate tab.

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