How was your first time?

Can you remember the first time you had sex?

Was it as good as in the movies or a massive let down?

Are you still with the person you lost your virginity to?

Can you remember that far back? lol

Please discuss

I lost my virginity to a boy I din't really like in the park at the age of 14 and it lasted roughly a minute probably less. I think this bad experience is the cause for not being able to orgasm during sex. I wish I had waited I wasted a precious gift x

Yeah I can. It was a massive let down as he was inexperienced too and we rushed into things. I'm not with him anymore. And I remember that time in my life very well. It may not have been perfect but everything that I have done up until this point has led me to where and who I am now. And for the most part I am quite happy with that.

I lost my virginity to Alex at the age of 15... We had some time apart since then, but have been back together 4 years now and getting married this year! Emotionally the experience was fantastic and I am so so happy that I was luck enough to experience that with the love of my life... But physically, we were young, neither of us particularly knew what we were doing... I seem to remember it took quite a while before we starting having 'good' sex.... But that was donkeys years ago! It is something we like to reminisce about now from time to time :-).


acoupleofwankers wrote:

I lost my virginity to Alex at the age of 15... We had some time apart since then, but have been back together 4 years now and getting married this year! Emotionally the experience was fantastic and I am so so happy that I was luck enough to experience that with the love of my life... But physically, we were young, neither of us particularly knew what we were doing... I seem to remember it took quite a while before we starting having 'good' sex.... But that was donkeys years ago! It is something we like to reminisce about now from time to time :-).


That's so lovely that you reconnected with your first love

alimc - :-) makes me sickeningly happy!


Yes, it was in my room at University. We were 19 and 20.

Yes, it was rather fine!

Yes, we are still together nearly 39 years later.

Yes, I can (just about) remember a few other things that far back!

Gyrator53 wrote:

Yes, it was in my room at University. We were 19 and 20.

Yes, it was rather fine!

Yes, we are still together nearly 39 years later.

Yes, I can (just about) remember a few other things that far back!

39 years.. that's amazing!

My first time was a one night stand at the age of 21...Met a girl on a night out, my parents were on holiday so I had the house to myself.

I was extremely drunk and fell asleep before anything happened but in the morning I awoke to her masturbating me.

I put on a condom and 10 minutes later it was all over.

All pretty memorable but unfortunately not particularly for the right reasons!

It was a cold spring night out in the country, since we were both wearing jeans there was an element of farce about it. It wasnt particularly good but despite being a year younger my girlfriend at the time was much more experience, she showed me the ropes (not literally)lol. We split up 2 yrs later I still think about her though.

My first time was not my first time, lol.

Anyway, what I mean is - my very first time was when I was 15 with a boy I didn't really have such feelings. I didn't feel anything and this experience is almost forgotten for me - that's why I am not counting it.

The first time I count was with my present husband, when I was 16. Although it was his first time, he was very gentle, and the way he was touching me felt very nice.

My first time was with someone i'd known for a while.

I was 16 and he was 23,lol. Everything was fine right up to the point where a horse in the field stuck his head through the open car window.... scared the bejesus out of me. lmao

No we're not together thank goodness.

Much better sex with my hubby now.... xxx

I was 15, but the specific 'time' it happened I can't remember, I just know I was seeing my boyfriend and at one point we werent having sex and then at another point we were. We were together for three and a half years and it was an abusive relationship. I don't regret it, but I'm much happier now. I remember my first times with my lovers after him :)

I still have my virginity!!! and I am 21!!! :(

LOL concentrate on the last time not the first..then you'll know if your getting better

Yes, I can remember the first time I had sex. It was with my current OH nearly 2 years ago. I'd been waiting for years "to meet the right person" as I never felt fully comfortable with myself and didn't feel mature enough but once I did there has been no stopping me! He says it's the best sex he's ever had.

My first time was far from a let down, ok so I didn't have an orgasm but knowing that my OH felt the same way about me made me realise how excilrating it can be to give your body to someone else espcially when you love and care about them as much as I do about him

All I can say is I don't care if I never have sex with anyone else once my partner goes, just knowing that I shared that moment with one very special person in my lifetime makes me feel very sastified :)

My first time was my wedding night, so it tends to stick in my mind.

So... "Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!". (My answers to himnher's questions)

hornster wrote:

alwayssingle:( wrote:

I still have my virginity!!! and I am 21!!! :(


I was 26! Don't be in a rush to lose your virginity.


Have to agree. I was 25, and when I lost it to my girlfriend, it was I had been waiting for.

We had been going out for about three months, and were already fairly active, but she waiting for me to be ready before going all the way. Thanks to having those months to get used to things (as well as a healthy dose of nerves) I managed three different positions.

I'd say that made the wait worth it.

Almost too long ago to remember, I think I was 17 and quite enjoyable except that my mother was waiting when I got home

My first time was, for me, perfect. I wasn't specifically going out with the guy, but he was a good friend who I trusted, and it was a spur-of-the-moment thing so I didn't get all worked up and anxious and oh-God-I've-pretty-much-signed-a-contract-in-my-blood-it-has-to-happen-soon about it.

I fancied the hell out of him, had done for years, and it just kind of... Happened. We were making out, and suddenly I had a burst of confidence and blurted out "We should have sex now" without thinking. He asked if I was sure, I said yes, boom, done.

Spending 3 hours the next day waiting to get the morning-after pill for free from a local clinic, with my sister-in-law giggling and calling me a "dirty mare" in the waiting room, wasn't so great, but hey.

And three years on I'm still with the same guy. It wasn't the deep and meaningful Hollywood meeting of souls, but I didn't want my first time to be like that. I had fun, there was no pressure, and remembering it has me sat here with a great big gooey smile on my face, so he must've gone right somewhere.