I totally think there should be a LH Secret Santa.

Where someone buys you something off your wishlist.

Maybe I just wish someone would buy me everything off my wishlist. In any case, it would definitely pep up the community spirit!

Thats actually a really good idea..

But maybe I just think that because my wishlist is getting really big...:)

firstly this has been done before, check the older threads and you will see....secondly and far more importantly......... IT'S SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!! i am sick of hearing about christmas already, can't we let autumn begin and enjoy it before thinking about winter and christmas?

luckylesbo wrote:

IT'S SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!


I didn't mention the 'C' word for a reason, actually (since songs of that persuasion are banned in my house until the first of December)...everybody take a deep breath.


love slade me :)

Oh great. Now I'm really excited about Christmas. I'll never get to sleep tonight.

In other news, Bella, I think that's a really cool idea :D

Aside from the mention of Christmas, I agree it's a nice idea.

The major issue I can see is that whereas in a normal secret santa everyone ends up with a present, I can't see how that could happen on here. Suggestions for solutions more than welcome!

There'd obviously need to be some trust involved (as in, trusting people not to be knobbers and buy a gift as well as receive one).

That aside, maybe have an Opt-In thread, where if you want to be involved you post on the thread, then someone who doesn't mind knowing who is buying their gift could add all the others as a friend, then pick names out of a hat to pair people off and tell everyone who their person is via chat?

just get a dart board, right ppls names on a bit of paper, stick the paper over the numbers on the dart board and through a dart ( or a few depending on how much ur gona spend)

luckylesbo wrote:

....secondly and far more importantly......... IT'S SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!! i am sick of hearing about christmas already, can't we let autumn begin and enjoy it before thinking about winter and christmas?

where I work we were thinking about christmas before August, and have now begun dispatching our Christmas marketing, and are al ready receiving orders. Next month we will plan for Jn / Feb and easter! But i totally agree with you. Christmas should not start until 1st december at the earliest.

As for a secret santa thing, i love the idea. Perhaps LH could create a list we could sign up to, and then randomly pair us up with someone that way?

Hmmmm, .....if everyone who wanted to take part answered to a thread, then bought a gift for the person above them. that could work.

Less Secret, but its an idea.... Unless Love Honey could do something clever, were we all pay £10 or something then a magic computer picks something from your wish list thats worth £10 and it magically gets delivered to your address on Christmas Eve.

Dunno! Computers are clever. Leave it up to them. :D


Hella, you could do somthing like on the members page add a "random member" button does a random search through the database picks one out and boop there ya go secret santa button! :D

Fair enough you busy over Christmas, could we do it January? To banish the January Blues? :)

Thats a shame.

Any other suggestions?

Lovehoney - Hella wrote:

WeeSteve wrote:

Hella, you could do somthing like on the members page add a "random member" button does a random search through the database picks one out and boop there ya go secret santa button! :D

I don't think you realise quite how much work that would make for our tech team. It just isn't feasible. Sorry!

if each entry in the database has a unique identifer, it would be simple enough to add somthing tht picks a random value from the data array? (though this does depend on how simple your database structure is :P )

Awww, guys! It's all so cool you want to get involved. Shame LH can't accommodate, but I do understand why. I wonder if people could do it in amongst friendship groups/workplaces...

It's a nice idea, but it does mean one or two people have to be willing to take on the responsibility of organising it. The way I've seen it run on other forums is that one or two well-known, trustworthy members volunteer to organise it. Then people who want to be involved give the organisers their contact details before a decided cut off date. The organisers then pair people up and pass on the contact info for people to send gifts. Because there's the option to buy gifts for members on this site anyway, I guess the exchange of contact details isn't really necessary, since people can just do it through the member's profile all they need here is the person's username. What I would suggest is maybe people who are involved set up a "secret santa" wishlist with a few items around whatever the decided value for gifts is, then whoever gets that person can choose an item from that wishlist to send them.

I think this is am great idea, its something i would take part it.

i'd take part! Good idea