ideas for a week away without the kids

For the first time since our kids were born (13 years) we have a week away in a lovely place very romantic setting four poster bed, hot tub and Jacuzzi bath in a secluded woods. Ideal. I'm looking for ideas from the community to spice things up, I've got toys, outfits, candles etc but I want to do something special, no threesomes or dogging but things that a healthy sex life can include. Also I'd like some ladies opinions I'd like to dress up sexy for my wife like she does for me, short of a nice pair of jockey shorts I'm out of ideas, any help gratefully received xxx

Sounds like you have all the ingridients you need, 4 poster (take some scarfs to tie each other up) a jacuzzi bath (enough said) and woods (take thermals )... It sounds like a great place, just have fun and some quality time alone.

It sounds idilic, can you share where you're going?

Oh that sounds lovely. I think you have all the toys etc you need. But to keep a sexife healthy bits not ways about the sex. Nice candle lit dinners, bubble bath together, picnic in the forest followed by a rumble in the woods, champagne in the jacuzzi, massage in the bed. All those sorts of things will get the hormones going and make the sex even better. But if you have a four poster bed you really need to tire her to it x x

A week? Oh wow there's a dream!
A week of submission is what I'd want!!

have a look at the exquisite DOminix range for some ideas to make the most of the 4 poster bed... and hey, maybe she can tie you up too ;-)

A whole week away? Wow........ sorry I don't have any ideas for you, I'm just insanely jealous!

Sounds like you're doing well for the bedroom, have you put much thought into what you'll take for the rest of the time? Like the clothes she compliments you on the most. Maybe even get a nice shirt or two to wear to dinner? Haircut the week before?

LH sell fabric rose petals. Would something like that appeal to your wife?

Possibly. Haircut, lol, I shave my head weekly. The Rose petals are a good idea, I've got some romantic meals out and in planned I'm quite the chef in my spare time, champagne in the hot tub and Jacuzzi, flavoured massage oils and an hour long massage at a local spa for both of us, plus a shopping trip, I'm taking my favorite three piece suit as I know she likes how I look in that I'm planning a strip tease for a laugh, and some racy movies (not porno it's for her not me lol). It all seems a little cliche so I thought I'd come to you lot for some ideas, I'm trying to blow her mind, we've been together 15 yrs and we've had some rough times I want her to feel special without coming across like I'm trying to hard!!

wow, a week with out children, that is a concept I can not grasp, yet I can be envious of you. Have a wonderful time.

Thank you

Don't overfill your days either. We're off for a long weekend next weekend and the thing we both love about getting away alone is the quiet time and the lie ins. Maybe a nice country drive with no kids screaming in the back aswell. Oh and afternoon tea is very indulgent. Have fun :)

I few things that come to mind (most already touched on):

1. leave large blocks of time open for walking, chatting, sitting, and napping.
2. have snacks around if you are going to plan lots of sex, finger foods that can easily be brought with and hand feed to each other
3. take advanatage of the isolation and have sex in different places. i.e. out doors, in the car, etc.
4. ask her what she wants for a day... "Queen for a day" - her wish is your command
5. Dress up - MRS likes nice suits and such so I dress well above my peers and the situation. That desire carries over; she loves me in a black bowtie... that's it ;)

Most importatnly, just enjoy being together and don't over think it.

and have fun!

massage oils and brush up on your massage skills

Crisp white shirt open 2/3 buttons and sexy New boxers, then play the game nookii in front of the fire.