I'm a Lurker, not a Poster....

There are a number of people recently who have mentioned how they've been regular 'viewers' of the forum but have only begun to post on the threads.

Now its your turn, your very own thread....give us all an idea of just how many voyeurs are out there.

Stand tall, be proud and say....

"I'm a lurker and I love............"

Well said SmoothOne, and while we are on the subject there are also a considerable number of lurkers on the blog as well, come on now you lurkers, .....oops not allowed to solicit for photos, so l wont.... but who knows a cull might be in the offing !!!


Well said SmoothOne, and while we are on the subject there are also a considerable number of lurkers on the blog as well, come on now you lurkers, .....oops not allowed to solicit for photos, so l wont.... but who knows a cull might be in the offing !!!


Well said SmoothOne, and while we are on the subject there are also a considerable number of lurkers on the blog as well, come on now you lurkers, .....oops not allowed to solicit for photos, so l wont.... but who knows a cull might be in the offing !!!


Well said SmoothOne, and while we are on the subject there are also a considerable number of lurkers on the blog as well, come on now you lurkers, .....oops not allowed to solicit for photos, so l wont.... but who knows a cull might be in the offing !!!


Eek sorry campers!!!


See, we have numpties like him posting, why shouldn't you!!!

(only kidding TB, I did see 5 replies and thought 'oh this thread is going better than I expected'. Oops)

I think I am more of a lucker, with the occasional post

Well get yer kit off and join in georga- if you want to !!


Well get yer kit off and join in georga- if you want to !!


tallboy247 wrote:

Well get yer kit off and join in georga- if you want to !!


are you masterbating with one hand, and getting confused which hand you are using when you hit the 'post your message' button? External Media

tallboy247 wrote:

Well get yer kit off and join in georga- if you want to !!


I'm trying TB - you into more than one post at a time lol

I want to be part of the group External Media

What was that you said TB? I didn't quite get it... hehe... I don't like when the internet fights back!

I'm the opposite. I have something to say about everything!

I can't believe you lot have crashed my thread. Have you lot no manners? You won't catch me being so rude!

Not only one post at a time georga, if you get my drift !! Grrrrr


tallboy247 wrote:

Not only one post at a time georga, if you get my drift !! Grrrrr


I think I have had too much to drink, the brain isnt working as well as it should External Media

so got anything interesting planned for the rest of the evening?

Only talking to you honey bunch !!


tallboy247 wrote:

Only talking to you honey bunch !!


Sweet talker!!!

Nicest thing anyone has said to me all day External Media

...and the day isn't over yet!!!


tallboy247 wrote:

...and the day isn't over yet!!!


So I look forward to more sweet talking - this isn't very good for my lurker status External Media