Imeldas blog thingy?

i must be really thick studly because i still cant see it!

I had an ex like that years ago. Believe or not, I'm an ex-playboy bunny and he was so jealous of the attention I got at the time. I lived with that control (and that's what it is) for 5 years until the day he broke my jaw because some guy spoke to me at the bar one night.

Get out now - he sounds like a control freak.

he is controlling but he's not violent, not yet anyway, my problem is im soft, i love him so much i cant imagine been without him and i dont want the little one to grow up without her dad around

Kids deal with these things. It's better to have two happy parents apart than two miserable ones together. Don't make the kid your excuse.

When he wants to be hes amazing, maybe im just expecting too much from him or something

Aren't they all. And, stop putting yourrself down. I see the signs, glaringly obvious. Get you and the kid out of there, you don't need him to make you feel crap, you can do it easily on your own. You're worth more than that. Start believing it.

I have no confidence, no self esteem or anything, all i've ever really know is to be put down by somebody and you get told something so often you start to beleve it yourself

sexymel88 wrote:

i must be really thick studly because i still cant see it!

click scroll down to the bottom, there is a box it say's start new thread heading ect

opps this one sorry

Listen and listen carefully. I'm telling you, you're worth more than that. It may not be worth anything right noe but it's a start and the rest of OA will support me. You're great, you have a personailty for a start, you've obviously got more balls than the asshole you're with. Behave and start beleiving in you.

yeah i agree with T.S is right

Thank you hun, hopefully tonight will bring me out of my shell a bit, I think things might get better if we have some time apart and if I get my own life, we have been living in each others pockets since i was in hospital the other month, so I'll try this and if it fails then I'll walk x

Thanks studley I've found it now, didnt have my glasses on lol

You can do it, we know you can. x

Truly Scrumptious wrote:

I had an ex like that years ago. Believe or not, I'm an ex-playboy bunny and he was so jealous of the attention I got at the time. I lived with that control (and that's what it is) for 5 years until the day he broke my jaw because some guy spoke to me at the bar one night.

Have to say I, in return, went back to him, waited until he was asleep one night then whacked him over the head with a cast iron griddle pan, fractured his scull, arrested for attempted murder, prosecution later dropped case on no evidence.

Get out now - he sounds like a control freak.


WOW! Well that fucker deserved it.... but what a story! I think we know who's led the most crazy interesting life on here! x

Behave, it's just life and we have to get on with it. Did I tell you the storry about.... nah, nevermind

Lol...go on! Lets hear it! x

Let's leave it as "I'm no easy ride" My therapist (it's mandatory to have one in Cheshire Life) tells me 'I've got issues'

Having issues just means you're interesting! lol! It definately seems like you've lived a very interesting life though. x

Past tense. My life is really quite dull now. My footballer boss is an idiot so I spend my life dealing with damage limitation. My other boss though is great, he holidays 30 weeks of the year and I only get his crap every now and again!