Inspiration.. Your favourite book?

I'v been wanting to write a story for a while now. I'm brilliant at writing and have a good imagination, and would love to write a book and get it published. Only problem is.. I have no inspiration. I have NO idea what to write about! So if you can remember your favourite book, or have read a story that has stuck in your mind (for the right reasons) I would love to know as it will hopefully inspire my own ideas. Thanks



I have the opposite problem, loads of ideas but not enough time. lol

Lady g it will be no help at all but my favourite book is "The Ascent of Man" by J Bronowski. It was a groundbreaking T.V. series in the 70s

The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists.

it's old and the style of English would probably not be used any more but "war of the worlds" made me think about life a lot.

and for emotionally powerful stuff "black beauty"

I'm a big fan of Chuck Palahniuk, who wrote Fight Club among others, but Rant is my favourite of his.

The best ideas for writing tend not to come from reading, but from wriing. You say you're brilliant at writing - are you writing every day or at least several times a week? It doesn't have to be anything fancy or finished, just writing for the sake of writing, experimenting, and building your skills. When you look back over it later, you'll find ideas to develop further AND you'll have the writing chops to pull it off.

You don't need inspiration or content for that, just a notebook and a pencil.