Interview Technique

I was under the impression this was a serious career advice thread!

Some people have to lower the tone. Lol

Hahaha me never : ) lol

One more tip...

Don't do what someone I interviewed a couple of months ago did. She asked what her 'allowance' of sick days would be and whether if she came in first thing but went home later, it would count as work or sickness!

I was almost lost for words.

guess she didnt get the job muppet

Honeytongue wrote:

One more tip...

Don't do what someone I interviewed a couple of months ago did. She asked what her 'allowance' of sick days would be and whether if she came in first thing but went home later, it would count as work or sickness!

I was almost lost for words.

That's spectacularly bad! Even I've not done that!

Honeytongue wrote:

One more tip...

Don't do what someone I interviewed a couple of months ago did. She asked what her 'allowance' of sick days would be and whether if she came in first thing but went home later, it would count as work or sickness!

I was almost lost for words.

Somebody asked me if we had a pool table in the canteen once!

If there was I'd never be off it!


As I said, you don't raise the package unless asked!

Unless the interview is for a porn actor!

Hampshire Hogg wrote:

As I said, you don't raise the package unless asked!

Unless the interview is for a porn actor!

And I got called for lowering the tone tut tut HH

KinkyFuckery wrote:

Hampshire Hogg wrote:

As I said, you don't raise the package unless asked!

Unless the interview is for a porn actor!

And I got called for lowering the tone tut tut HH

Ah, but you did start it!

I agree with what everyone else said. My top tip would be don't be afraid to take a minute to think before you answer and don't be afraid to clarify what they mean either before you answer, or after your answer (not for every question though!)

afraidnotscared wrote:

KinkyFuckery wrote:

Hampshire Hogg wrote:

As I said, you don't raise the package unless asked!

Unless the interview is for a porn actor!

And I got called for lowering the tone tut tut HH

Ah, but you did start it!

Oh charming boys ganging up together tut tut : P

KinkyFuckery wrote:

afraidnotscared wrote:

KinkyFuckery wrote:

Hampshire Hogg wrote:

As I said, you don't raise the package unless asked!

Unless the interview is for a porn actor!

And I got called for lowering the tone tut tut HH

Ah, but you did start it!

Oh charming boys ganging up together tut tut : P

Do you like boys ganding up on you then?

hahah boys no Men yes but your not men so no need to worry : P

To think that I joined this thread to give mature advice, and now I am a boy!

What is going on here?

hahaha Girl Power Rules !

My OH says you are probably right!

Woman are ALWAYS RIGHT ! Quicker you boys release it the better your life will be : P

In our marraige, my wife lets me make all the inportant decisions.

The only thing is she decides which decisions are the inportant ones!

Hampshire Hogg wrote:

In our marraige, my wife lets me make all the inportant decisions.

The only thing is she decides which decisions are the inportant ones!

hahah see working perfectly there : P

After 21 years and three children, I guess it does