Love Seat for Magic Wand


I'd be grateful to hear any views from regular Magic Wand users on the possible merits of the Wand Essentials Vibrator Comfort Love Seat:

Is this a product that you'd enjoy trying with your wand?

My wife loves using her wand lying down, but her hands get tired from holding it for a long time (as do mine when I help her!). She enjoys cowgirl positions, so I'm wondering whether a vertical position on this seat with the wand supported beneath her might appeal as an alternative. (I'm also thinking that it might be a great set-up for me to watch -- but please don't tell her that!)

I've read the one review on the product which seems quite positive. Does anyone have any thoughts to add?

Also -- has anyone tried using this product with the LH Magic Wand Deluxe? That's the one that my wife has. From the respective measurements, I believe that it will fit the aperture in the seat, but I'm not sure how snug and well-positioned it might be there.

Thanks for any views. :)

oh, never knew this product exsited. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.

Sorry I cant help you with any info on it x

This is the product that first introduced us to lovehoney!

we didn't buy one though, as it seems a bit expensive for what it is.