Lovehoney Power Play 7 Function G-Spot Vibrator

Hi! Am I missing something with this toy? I've put the batteries in (flat part of the battery down) and twisted the cap back on, but I can't get it to vibrate. Tried numerous sets of batteries but nothing. I've even got a replacement but STILL can't get it to work! I feel like with all the great reviews it must be me rather than the toy.

I had the exact opposite problem with mine, it started vibrating as soon as the cap was on, couldn't turn it off, nor could I alter any of the patterns. Sent it back, second one works fine.

It said in the blurb with it to put the batteries in according to the diagram on the inside of the battery compartment, but neither of mine had any diagrams! Might be worth asking for another replacement.

I'm afraid I don't have that particular model but it says that it's a push button control in the specs and they are often turned on by holding the button in for 2 or 3 seconds. Sorry if this is too simple/completely wrong. 🙂

Solved- there is no battery diagram so I'd placed them both the same way in the new one (The bottom had springs on both sides so seemed logical) - this one works now :) thanks all!

Owl1992 wrote:

Solved- there is no battery diagram so I'd placed them both the same way in the new one (The bottom had springs on both sides so seemed logical) - this one works now :) thanks all!

Excellent work 👍🙂