Lube for sensitive skin

Sorry if this has been discussed before.

We have recently had some trouble with sensitive lady parts. My OH wondered if some organic lube would help. We currently use maximus or liquid silk.

Has anyone tried organic lube, is it any good, does it help sensitive skin?

Sliquid lube seems to be the popular choice for sensitiveskin

I've used the JO organic lube. Doesnt look the best, but works well. I've written a revew for it, if you want to have a read :)

I have sensitive skin, and I use Sliquid Sassy or LH Discover Lube for everything, not just anal as I find the texture is really great :) xx

I have sensitive skin, but unfortunatly find that Sliquid lubes really irritate me. It might be worth taking note of the ingredeints in lube that does and doesnt irritate your partner to work out by proces of emilination what it is thats causing the discomfort. That way you can just read the ingredients before purchase and know if it will irritate your partner. It does mean trying a few diffrent lubes out though.

These personally seem to be the best for me-


Thanks. I think I will try some of those suggested and see if it helps.

I'd highly recommend the Sliquid brand - I've tried the regular one and the sassy one and loved them both.

Just Jenson wrote:

Sliquid lube seems to be the popular choice for sensitiveskin

Completely agree. I've struggled for ages with sensitive lady parts to the point where we had to stop trying anal, and sometimes sex became painful.

Sliquid is amazing - non-sticky, non-burning... Just perfect.



I have just ordered some!

Another suggestion on the Sliquid Train! <3