Magic Wand Attachments - Guide

Finally, due to Gem's hard work, we have a guide on How to Choose Magic Wand Attachments in our VIbrators Buyer's Guides section.

Now you can tell which heads will fit on which wands - hoorah!

This ia a fab guide, the chart is very easy to use. Shared it on twitter already! Thanks =)

Brilliant Alice, thanks to you and Gem.

Might I be the first to say - Holy Crap! They have attachments?

These toys are suddenly looking a lot more interesting...

Mr Mr

Brilliant! Think this guide is going to come in very useful!

Looking forward to getting some attatchments for my wand now I know what ones will fit!

Could the orginal Hamachi one be added!! For us Retro wanders!

matyhaty wrote:

Could the orginal Hamachi one be added!! For us Retro wanders!

Unfortunately as we don't stock the Hitachi Magic Wand for the UK we haven't added it to our guide... sad times!

I do know that a Hitachi Magic Wand has a 7.5 inch head, meaning we've got a whole load of attachments that can go with it.

A brilliant guide Gem you have covered everything its a huge help thank you!

Thank you... we all felt that it really needed doing as otherwise it's pretty impossible to tell which attachment goes with what.

Alice did all of formatting etc for it - that's whay it's so wonderfully clear and concise!