Male Waxing

So I thought I'd start a quick thread about this. I've been shaving down there for the past few years, but it is a constant chore. I like the be completely shaved when possible, but my hair grows quite fast so it's pretty annoying. Waxing seems like the obvious choice.

So I thought I'd ask here about other guys/gals' experiences with pubic waxing. Particularly with guys, how quick does it grow back? I know places usually say 6 weeks, but is this actually the case?

How about actually getting it done? How casual as is that? Any awkward erections while someones waxing your bits?

I'm just trying to do a bit of fact finding before actually considering booking into a place and figured here would be the best place to ask.


I'm right there with you.

I've been shaving for years now and it really is a chore. I have thought about waxing for a while but have similar questions. So I will be paying particular attention to this thread.

Glad someone else has brought this up


I like to be bald as a coot I am a gal I could never wax your bloody brave if you do have you tried things like veet ?

I get waxed once a month because in too lazy to shave, its alot easier to go to a salon and go get rid of it all!! Usually i get a completly smooth finish for 14-21 days the more you wax the quicker it grows back. The only problem is I go quite red and bumpy so no one sees down there untill after the day of my wax. Some places say 6 weeks what they really mean is it will be the length to rewax in 6weeks. It all depends on how fast your hair grows back, which does slow down the more you wax. I go once a month cause I cant stand it being longer than half a cm!!! And im female so dont get the odd erection, cant imagine it happening tho with hot wax and hairs being pulled out!!! Hope that helps a bit!! x

3 solid weeks of complete smoothness might be worth it. And I dunno, in such a sitation I might just get an erection as a reflex

i tried waxing my own balls once.... OMG never NEVER again!!!! i'd go and get it done though, i'd just have to pluck up the courage first!

Yeah I don't fancy ever trying it myself, I couldn't bring myself to tear it off!

Still hoping to hear from some guys who've actually gone through with it.

kkrissie wrote:

I get waxed once a month because in too lazy to shave, its alot easier to go to a salon and go get rid of it all!! Usually i get a completly smooth finish for 14-21 days the more you wax the quicker it grows back. The only problem is I go quite red and bumpy so no one sees down there untill after the day of my wax. Some places say 6 weeks what they really mean is it will be the length to rewax in 6weeks. It all depends on how fast your hair grows back, which does slow down the more you wax. I go once a month cause I cant stand it being longer than half a cm!!! And im female so dont get the odd erection, cant imagine it happening tho with hot wax and hairs being pulled out!!! Hope that helps a bit!! x

Hi Kkrissie. I get quite red too after a hollywood but I find that a little bit of hydrocortisone cream deals with this really quickly. Might be worth a try, my local chemist sells a tube for about £1.50.

ohhhh ta, i'll give it a go after my tuesday session =) x

Bumping this up to see if there's any guys out there who can share their experience!

I'm currently tryna convince my guy to go! Personally I get waxed and the really smooth feeling only lasts a week, which is pretty gutting. But the hair takes 2/3 weeks to grow back to an annoying level. It sometimes makes me question whether its worth paying for but even a week is better than the one day you get with shaving!

I'd say definitely only go to a place that uses hot wax though (wax that doesn't require strips to pull off) because anyone I've heard that has been waxed using strip wax "down there" says it hurts like a bitch!

Always been curious to have a wax down there...

Its the only place I like bare !

KinkyFuckery wrote:

I like to be bald as a coot I am a gal I could never wax your bloody brave if you do have you tried things like veet ?

I've tried shaving several times. I've tried exfoliating, steaming, moisturising, different blades, several shaving foams & gels but it never lasts. The next day I've got stubble & red irritated skin. Eventually I tried the Veet for men hair removal creme gel & I don't recomend it if you have thick, coarse hair like me. When I used it as directed, I still had some hair left but I couldn't reapply & shaving what was left defeated the purpose. I also tried leaving it on for a bit longer, that was a bad idea though because it left my skin raw.

I'm trying to pluck up the courage to go get some intimate waxing done because I'm quite self-concious about certain hairy parts of my body.

Has anyone tried the hair growth inhibitor creams or sprays?

Waxing the word that makes most people cringe.Well peeps if done properly by a good salon then its not as bad as you think it is but,i would suggest you call and inquire first because not all salons will do a full bikini wax.One salon i visited was horrified when i said i wanted it all off,she told me that they only take off any hair that pertrudes outside the knicker line.Also different salons offer different wax opions ie a sugar wax that is less painful but i do think your better off going to a salon that has a good rep and that has been recommended by a friend or someone else you know.