Men staring at women

Is it me or is it really that men like to stare at women even while with their partners? How do you ladies deal with it? Sometimes I feel slapping my bf when he keeps on staring other women ;)

me and my wife like to play a game called BANGERS and whenever we are out and one of us sees a big pair of bangers we have to say BANGERS and point them out. i think if its not upsetting anyone then looking is fine but if it pisses you off then not good

Alicia4Ever wrote:

I get it all the time. As for your BF I think it's prety much something that is almost a subconcious thing, we all can turn to look at attractive things; are you telling me you never admired a hot guy with his shirt off, or even a woman and thought lucky cow I wish I could pull off wearing an outfit like that, or I wish I had her body. Either that or it's because I'm bi, because I do fancy both, and I'm perpetually single, worst luck..

What matters is that it's only looking and not more. I have heard many women say they don't mind too much as long as he's not too obvious with it. I know it's like what does he want to look for am I not enough for him, but really I don't think it's about that; it's just being human.

I seconf Alicia's point of view 100%. It doesn't upset me when I see my hubby looking at other women, but if he was doing this with the same lady all the time (as a flirting thing) I wouldn't think that's ok. I do look at other guys and it doesn't mean I'd have sex with them, it's just they look great, so what's the harm? On a funny note, another day I was doing a Cuba Tone class during the day and they were lots of ladies, some of them on their late 50s and 60s, and My God I was gobsmacked at how great some of them looked. It must be all that latin, calient vibe, I'm not joking I couldn't stop looking at them and the thought that I'm gay even croosed my mind...

People stare at people in public all the time for this that and the other reasons. You probably just don't notice it when it's not an attractive member of the opposite sex. I don't think it's something to be especially concerned by.

What about the other way around? I get it quite a lot when we go out .My Mrs counted 8 last night .

I have got used to it now as I didn't get this much attention when I was in my 20 s. Icidently 3 of the 8 had existing partners. I think its just natural behaviour and I accept it as a compliment.

Lucky for me I am very average in the looks department, so I don't get any looks from anyone.☺

I never stare at anyone as it's just rude.

Not stare , but I occassional point out a woman a say to Mrs TD, "you would..." Now knowing her "type". I'm at about 85% right...

I think it depends on the strength of relationship. As we've just completely opened up to each other about everything I've started pointing out women on tv that I fancy. My wife knows my type (amusingly she is not my type) - so is happy to go along with it.

I probably look at attractive women more than my hubby does! Though it's not always because I fancy them, in fact most of the time I don't, I just appreciate someone who looks good. It may be that a women has nice hair, beautiful eyes or I may be admiring her clothes or body. I do the same with handsome or well dressed men.

My hubby looks at women too. It doesn't upset me as we have a strong and honest relationship. Sometimes we'll both look at a woman for the same reason! Personally I think it's harmless, but I guess every relationship is different.

I'm also in the I-look-at-women-more-than-my-boyfriend group. I was talking to a male friend about this, and I think the key thing is HOW you look at them. A lot of times it can be a bit creepy or intense when guys look, almost because they don't know you they forget you're a person? I've never had a problem with a quick look and a shy smile, but sometimes if people stare you down or just never make it to your face it's a bit uncomfortable.

I guess it's less I've had to tell friends/boyfriends "we don't look at women!" more... "This is how to look at women without creeping them out" ![](upload://aybhjky1mPlgqoACHVsxChgZRPM.gif)

Another point .If you didnt look at people to hold their gaze then you wouldn't have eye contact which can be essential when looking for a potential partner. Going back to myself I am naturally flirty so do play eye contact games although I am not the initiator .That trait does annoy my Mrs a little but she accepts that is just the way I am. If someone compliments me by eye contact then I will acknowledge rather than ignore .

In my opinion its all part and parcel of the way we are and there are a lot of beautiful and interesting people of both genders and trans gender and if someone goes to the trouble of making themselves look great then there nothing wrong looking at them and admiring them.

Progressing the situation more if a very attractive WPC goes into our local for spot checks, of course I will look at her as my Mrs would look at a hunky fireman.

Interesting topic .

I used to point out girls to my ex when we were together. Nothing wrong with appreciating something that's appealing to the eyes.

I think it's down to how secure or insecure you feel about yourself and jealousy all comes into it. Your boyfriend isn't taking the girl home or anything. He's with you 'cause he wants to be :)

I don't tend to stare / glare at women, in the presence of my OH or not, a casual glance and thought, for sure, but not more than that . She will sometimes point out a big bust or short skirt etc long before I've noticed.

I'm sure she also checks out other guys too, again, I haven't noticed her staring overly obviously.

I think its only human to notice / appreciate other peoples looks, I'm probably a bit old fashioned in that I don't think its respectful to stare at people, but especially in the presence of your OH.

My wife knows I look at other women just like I know she looks at other women and men! We sometimes even comment on what we like. We both know as long as it's only looking and nothing happens theres no harm in it! We believe It's just natural for us to look at what we like, my weakness is big breasts and my wife likes breasts and a nice bum.

Like others have said, I honestly believe it's just human nature that we are all sub consciously drawn to look at a person that we find attractive, pretty, pleasing to the eye! For me male and female, it's instinct!
But to look and appreciate, opposed to blatantly staring and/or double taking a look is just rude to both that person you admire, and your oh. A glance is natural - leering is not. If a guy is with his oh and looks at me (making it really obvious) I can't help but show my disgust in my facial expressions. The same if a female does it to my oh when I'm clearly with him!!! I get quite angry, not because they find him hot (that's obvious) but stare as if I'm invisible, that's just disrespectful... "keep moving hun" 👊

There's a thin line between just looking and lusting. Men, you know what I mean.
In my opinion if something unusual or weirdo popped out from the street and you don't look, that will be strange of me.

I am alright with hub looking at both extreme so long there's no embarrassing moments. He can keep the images of any ladies on the street, fantasize making love to them within the 4 walls with me that doesn't bothers me. Honestly we do that a lot so to speak.