Does it ever bother you ...?

Has it ever bothered anybody if their partner likes to look at other women/men?

My partner hasn't ever done the whole leering at another woman's ass as she walks down the street. I know that it is a possibility he watches porn every now and then (so do I, lol), and that doesn't bother me at all.

My partner has liked a few pages on Facebook that, lets say, do tend to focus on the boobies and the bottom. ALOT.

At first, I was fine with it. He likes a picture sometimes, blah, blah, bah. But, for some reason, it seems to irritate me more now than it used to.

I know I'm being stupid and I know it's probably just one of those things that guys do - I also understand that, because it's social media, he might only be liking them because his friends do and to get a laugh from them.

I feel like I'm being way too sensitive about the issue, but I also have this thought running through my head - "Is my ass not good enough? Are my boobs not up to scratch or something?"

Someone please tell me that this is a normal, guy thing. Then I can just move on, lol.

Doesn't bother me at all, it's me he has chosen to be with.

He doesn't do it much anyway.

It doesn't bother me because I know he would never actually cheat. He usually tells me if he thinks someone is hot when we are walking down the street or in a bar. He jokes and tells me he would " give her one"! And he tells me which girls on her he thinks is hot and what there best body parts are etc.
He's choose to marry me so that's good enough for me x

From a guys point of view, I think it's perfectly normal to look at women other than my other half. In fact I would question any guy that doesn't, the ones I've encountered all have been very obsessive and not had successful relationships (apologies to any guys out there who never look at another woman and have very good relationships I'm just speaking from experience)

If I'm honest my oh is just as bad as me. I don't bother trying to talk to her when the David beckham sky advert comes on

It is totally normal :) but doesn't mean you won't feel like that! I have really bad image insecurities because of things an ex used to say to me, but which are slowly getting better and I am SO sensitive about stuff like this! I particularly find it hard because i dont really find any men sexy as such so i never really comment on them to him... but Just remember , it is all in your head all that comparison stuff, and like BV said, he has chosen to be with you. :) xxx

I think its ok to window shop so long as you don't try to buy anything. I notice hot women and im sure my wife checks out hot guys. When im with my wife she has 100% of attention. If it bothers you, talk to your partner. Im sure he'll take it onboard.

He can look but dare touch and your balls are chopped off

It doesn't bother me at all now. It used to but I've come to realise that he chose me and wants to be with me. Also, the women that he looks at often look similar to me so I dont feel worried when I can kind of think that I already tick his boxes.

I look at other women as much as he does and I look at men and talk to him about it. He totally understands my love for Alexander Skarsgard

I'm lucky in that my partner doesn't have facebook or anything.. Otherwise I might end up turning into a crazy stalker making sure he behaves lol! I am fine with him looking at other women that he doesn't know. It does bug me if he says someone he knows, like works with, is attractive and he knows it bugs me. I'm a VERY jealous person though so...

It is def normal though hun but don't think just because other people find it easy to deal with that you should too. We all have our own comfort levels and if it doesn't feel right then let him know x

We both have our crushes, part of the fun, in the summer he looks and I laugh then he laughs at me with my Colbourne DVDs.

It always bothers me but I'm the jealous type, my OH however only does it on purpose coz he knows that i'm the jealous type and loves to see me jealous but I know if he did he'd look but not touch, he isn't the cheating type he gave me a ring a couple of months back as an engagement ring so I know he only wants me, but we're a bit young atm i'm only 19.

Theres nothin wrong with it botherin you, I love the saying 'when I stop caring, thats when you should be worried', it's so true!!

As for it being a normal guy thing... Its not just guys, it just depends on the person lots of women 'look but don't touch'.

I'm fine with my OH commenting on how hot some celebs are though because, it ain't like hes ever gonna meet them xx

we compare notes on other women and men. quite lucky we can do that

it does sometimes ( if/when im seeing somoene ) as ive only ever been with one person who HASNT cheated on me , so im very very uneasy when in relationships a lot of the time anyway .

I dont like any FB pages like that, but then I'm not a normie.

But if we walk / drive / see on tv an attractive girl, of course I look

It wouldn't bother me because I no he loves me and we are engaged and I have told home if he's not happy to tell me and we end it nicely not in a blazing row :)

I don't mind. I look too, it's human nature. There's a world away from looking and actually cheating :) x

It would have upset me a while ago. We've been together for a long time, and I'd say for the first half of our relationship I was paranoid, insecure and jealous. All the qualities I wanted to be in a girlfriend lol. But then we began to grow up together, I'm not talking childhood here, I'm talking early adulthood. As the years have gone on I've grown confident in us. I feel far more solid. So now it wouldn't upset me and I'd either agree to his likes or roll my eyes ha! I know he has a thing for Emma stone. Fine by me. She's hot!

That being said I don't think either reaction is bad/good. I think it's how you handle your feelings that is the make or break. Festering until you explode won't be good, having a calm discussion about it would be.

(damn it takes a long time to post on my phone!)

My OH looks which doesn't bother me it's when he comments I get a little grumpy. But he likes to get a reaction out of me he says it shows I care. So when I notice it I give him a little nudge or poke and say Oi I noticed you looking.

Totally a normal guy thing.

I've just told my oh that a girl thing is to be insecure about boobs and butts and now that he understands where i'm coming from I seem to be getting a lot more compliments.

Nothing wrong with a "bit of window shopping" IMHO by either party. Just dont try and purchase it!