multiple orgasm

Hi,this is my first post..I am just curious about multiple orgasm.
What is multiple it same with squirting..

Multiple orgasms are one immediately after another. Some women do this, many don't - both are entirely normal.. There's a thread where a few of the men discussed theirs as well. Have a search in the archives if you're interested.

Squirting is very different, but it's also basically what it says on the tin. It's a squirt or gush of fluid from a woman. There are MANY threads on the topic in the archives and I'm sure someone who can will be along to sing its praises before long.

How do you know if you have multiple orgasms?

Young and fun95 wrote:

How do you know if you have multiple orgasms?

Have you had an orgasm, felt it end and then start again? That was probably a multiple. Waves of one orgasm won't have that feeling of an ending.

Never had one :(

ace, please forgive my piggybacking your article but my question is related:

The missus cums 99 times out of 100. It wasn't always that way. An...unfortunate...previous relationship meant that for the first couple of years together I think there were some trust issues but we've managed to overcome them together.

Anyway, her one climax is enough. After which she becomes supersensitive in her nipples - an area she really needs played with to get there - and she claims that she's like a man, once she's done she's perfectly satisfied (although she never fails to get me off before she falls asleep!).

I'd like nothing more than to help her achieve a multiple orgasm: is it just impossible for some women?

Maybe I'm just being greedy. :)

I think I may have multiple orgasms...

Hey guys, not meaning to be rude or anything, but certainly from my experience, you know for sure if you have multiple orgasms!

And for me at least, the second one is always easier to achieve and definitely more intense than the first, so well worth the effort. Word of warning though- they get less intense as you go for more, so after 4 or 5 you start to get less and less satisfaction...

They are not necessarily immediate though- it depends on your mood I guess!

Kitty have you tried clitoral stimulation with a vibrator? I'd had sex for several years and hadn't experienced an orgasm until I got my first rabbit....then the multiples started!!

i only cum when my OH gives me oral but it lasts a long time and does have short breaks in between and goes on as long he continues or until i have the stregth to push him away. he always says that i orgasm for ages but i dont know if its just one massive long orgasm in waves

Young and fun, your new userpic is unutterably brilliant. Just to go slightly OT.

As you were. :)

From my experience you can't nit no if you have had multiple orgasms. Usually I can't speak afterwards, I just lay there exhausted

From my experience you can't nit no if you have had multiple orgasms. Usually I can't speak afterwards, I just lay there exhausted

That's what I'm usually like with my OH they're really long and exhausting I thought that's what they're meant to be like, when I do it myself it's like a release but that's it nothing particularly pleasurable.

I *think* I had my first multiple last week. I had my usual orgasm and then almost immediately after I could feel it ramping up again, but I didn't get the same 'release' that came with the first, it just kind of ....ended :-/

What do you reckon? Was it a multiple?

Sounds like it, although I tend to get that feeling after maybe 4 or 5....pretty disappointing though isn't it?! Always makes me wish I hadn't gone for another (I've learnt not to be greedy now and normally stop with 2 or 3).

I sometimes get something similar if I clamp my legs shut immediately my first orgasm- kind of like half of one...

Were you using the same stimulation?

Yeah, same stimulation (bullet).

Hmm, maybe it wasn't quite over? I normally have to stop and give it a minute or two before going for another full one...

And to add to other comments- I don't tend to get exhausted with multiples, well, not alone anyway! But then I got greedy a long time ago so maybe I'm just used to them now!!!

Hmm, I've had orgasms that can start, begin to fade out and then sort of restart (which are wonderful) and sometimes a sucession of fairly mild ones that aren't earth movers but are very enjoyable, usually with the OH. Usually one isn't enough for me, apart from the occasional leg- shaking ones I can get from solo. I suppose it all depends on the day, the mood and the situation, which is why it never gets boring, it's never going to be exactly the same!

Such a mix of answers and the one thing we are all sure about is we all like to orgasm, whether its just the one or if we have the time multiple ones.

Although the ones that are preferred are the ones that leave me breathless.