Murder Mystery Evening

Nothing to do with sex but Me and the Mrs via her works social have been invited to join in with a murder mystery evening held in a hotel.

Has any one been on these type of events and how do they normally run ie what can I expect ?

I hope you enjoyed drama at school :)

When me and OH went to one with friends we all had like scripts and had to act out our characters roles, I loved it but it was my husbands worst nightmare.

That said if it's in a hotel it might all allread be acted out for you and you get to just watch, listen and make a choice on who done it

strapon_banana wrote:

I hope you enjoyed drama at school :)

When me and OH went to one with friends we all had like scripts and had to act out our characters roles, I loved it but it was my husbands worst nightmare.

That said if it's in a hotel it might all allread be acted out for you and you get to just watch, listen and make a choice on who done it

Well we both like doing role plays so the acting side doesn't worry me nor I suspect my Mrs .

So I guess its a bit like Cludoe then but without the board ?

I think most murder mysteries involve a professional events company coming in and, between courses, you the guests try and figure out the killer.

Thanks mate

That sounds quite good

We did one of these that was on offer thru a well known voucher website. It was good and definitely recommend it. They had professionals who stood up and acted it out between courses and the audience took it in turns to ask questions that the host gave us.


I went to one recently. It began like a press conference and the audience could ask questions. Then there was some evidence on display, and an opportunity to question the suspects, then you had to guess "who done it".

Oh it sounds great, hope you have fun!