My last day here (I'll try get back, somehow)

Helloooo ^_^

I'm rather sad as this is my last day I'll be able to come onto Lovehoney.

As I move into uni halls tomorrow, I'll be back on the uni wifi and sadly, Lovehoney is blocked :(

So it's a goddbye for now, but not forever! I'll be on as much as I can, but I will miss the forums & you guys xx

Aww that sucks hun, hope to see you back soon :(

MissNoir wrote:

Helloooo ^_^

I'm rather sad as this is my last day I'll be able to come onto Lovehoney.

As I move into uni halls tomorrow, I'll be back on the uni wifi and sadly, Lovehoney is blocked :(

So it's a goddbye for now, but not forever! I'll be on as much as I can, but I will miss the forums & you guys xx

I can't believe Lovehoney is blocked on your uni WiFi ![](upload://jokG3WtlbVccWAgGjeuPxY6tITM.gif) I hope you have a great time in the halls and manage to get on the forums every now and again! x

Good luck at uni Miss Noir. See you on the forums again at some point 👍🏼 x

thats really bad that thy have blocked this site!

Maybe turn off the wi-fi on your phone and use the 3g when you want to use the forums or do some shopping?

wow, that stinks it is blocked. we will miss you and hope to see you soon!

Well, I do hope to hear from you at least now and again, but I'm sure this whole new adventure will compensate for all of us... Have a marvellously exciting time, but don't forget to study once in a while ;)!!! Good luck with everything!

Oh my gosh, I'd be pulling my hair out if I couldn't get on this site! To be honest, this place is pretty much my life at the moment.

Anyway, good luck at Uni, study hard and have fun too xx

Ah! I'm moving into halls in a few weeks and I hadn't considered they might block sites like this! I'll definitely have to look into it :/

Why is it blocked? You're over 18 so it surely should be your decision what sites you visit? That sucks

Good Luck at Uni x

have fun at uni

Google 'how to get round blocked sites' 😉
Good luck.

Also try going direct to I can access the forum just not anywhere else on my mobile internet which is also blocked.

Hope to see you back soon!

Good luck at Uni Miss Noir...shame they block the site but maybe one of the suggestions posted will help get around it...

I'm kind of glad I didn't know about Lovehoney when I was at uni, particularly in Halls in my first year, back in 2001 (was Lovehoney actually around then??), otherwise I'd have blown a huge load of my student loan on toys and lingerie, then had to survive on beans on toast!!

Wow that sucks! In my halls nothing was blocked, considering you have to be over 18 to go uni I wouldn't of thought anything would be blocked.
I hope you come back soon or are able to get on lovehoney somehow.
Good luck at uni!

Oh no, what a shame. Perhaps you'll be able to pop on occasionally...we'll miss you xx

That's such a shame! I thought you'd be able to visit any sites you want if you're over 18, you're not exactly a child anymore. I can understand blocking it on campus during lessons etc, but halls are your own personal space :/

Hope to see you back soon! Enjoy uni :)

BigBikeGuy wrote:

Google 'how to get round blocked sites'

I had the same wicked thought. : )

MissNoir - I hope you are able to join us again soon.

Aw that sucks! I could understand maybe if they didn't want their wifi used to watch porn on campus or something, but this is just a shopping site and you should be able to look at what you want in the privacy of your home.

My college did the same thing, so I would switch off wifi and use my 3g to have a quick look on here. Maybe you could do that if your data plan allows? Good luck with your course!

You can proxy it via the google translation feature!