Naughty weekend in London

So just back from a weekend in London, child free with a main aim to watch cirque de soile at royal Albert hall on Saturday night.
On Friday night we went to a couple of strip clubs in soho. We went in one called sunset strip, not having much alcohol on board yet, we were literally taken to a room and got danced for, there was a little bit of touch, but we were separated in the small room and were danced for separately. We decided that this wasn’t really where we wanted to be as they were a bit pushy.
We moved on to sophisticats, which was lovely, dancing on stage, drinks cost a fortune, and we got a couple of dances where we sat, so they’re strictly no touching there. After a while we left, as didn’t want to spend another £33 on drinks and went to back to the sunset strip, where again we got dragged into a room saying there closing soon and that would cost £20, but then she actually wanted £40, so S just told her to dance for me, so she did. Cheeky boy.
We have recently join “fab swingers” and some friends recommended a naturalist spa to try, and they have couples night on Saturdays. We tried to get there but was too late, so went this morning as we had worked ourselves up about it, so decided we should go
So off we went, to the naturalist spa
Wasn’t the best experience really.
So we got there and there was basically just older men on their own, and 1 lady who was wearing a bikini.
Anyways, I was fairly convinced that I would just have to get in the jacuzzi naked once and I would then be ok. So I was brave wrapped up in my towel, we both got in the jacuzzi naked, with the couple who was wearing the bikini. Got out fairly nervously still. Went in the pool and had a play in a locked room, went in a steam room naked and there was a guy with his pant, and then went in the sauna with our towels and there was a naked guy, just need to get the etiquette here I guess
Still feeling quite nervous, got back into a jacuzzi, but now there is 2 men in one jacuzzi, a guy and S in our jacuzzi. S gets out and goes to the loo, and another guys in. So then I got out naked in front of 4 men, which was seriously brave, and took an awful lot of calming myself.
We then went into the locked room again but some guy followed us and asked if he could come in, we said no. Then needed to leave.
So that was part of our journey towards going to a swinging event.
Our next step on the journey, is getting a tantric massage with happy endings for us both. We really have gone crazy. Ha ha


Sounds hot :hot_face: x

Even though it didn’t turn out how you hoped, it sounds like you still enjoyed the overall experience and know to book the couples night at the spa the next time you go :clap:t2:

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Sounds like you had a fantastic wild weekend! Big whoopees to you both and for being so daringly brave at the spa ! :grin:


Well done on braving your adventure.
I take my hat off to you, as I couldn’t do it.
Sounds ike you had fun though, which is the main thing

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