News from the world of buying

Hi everyone - sorry I haven't been around a lot lately. I feel like I have been tied to my desk for the past few months just trying to keep up with buying stock for Christmas and Valentines. Now that they are all over for another year i've taken some time to spring clean my desk ready for the next season to hit us - Hen Nights!

I'm not sure how many of you know that we also run a web site called Hen Night HQ which is the one stop superstore for anything Hen Party themed. I have had lots of fun choosing all the new costumes and coming up with party ideas for the site. Lots of the sexier costumes are also being listed on LoveHoney as they can cross over from the nightout to the fantasy bedroom foreplay - my fave is the Fever Gangster Lady.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions for new products you would like to see on LoveHoney (or Hen Night HQ).

Tied to the desk eh Bonny, lucky you, good job l didn't catch you in that position fnarr fnarr!!!


tallboy247 wrote:

Tied to the desk eh Bonny, lucky you, good job l didn't catch you in that position fnarr fnarr!!!


You make me blush External Media I have some spankties by my desk now that you mention it though - I use them like normal people use a stress ball, twisting them up when I would rather be twisting someones neck... oh dear i've become desensitised!