odd erogenous zones

Sarahgee wrote:

The back of my knees, ankles and wrists! Kissed, touched, bitten.. Whatever... Just do it! Haha.

+1 When my boyfriend wants to make me squirm he bites the back of my knee and the surrounding area. I think I can seriously come from just the stimulation of that part of my body. I'll have him try that one day.

The inner thigh, a little pressure with a knuckle just above the knee and stroke upwards. Gets her twitching inside and out.

Agreed, Geeky! I'm The same, there have been times when he has stopped and I have been mad thinking I could have come! We should try it and compare results lol x

I like having the front of my neck stroked....but that may be because we dabble in a little strangulation so it's like I'm waiting to see if he will do it. Hotttttt.

Having my neck kissed or nibbled drives me crazy and same for inner thighs