Odd issue from shaving

The misses after many years decided it was a great idea to shave her vagina. I am totally on board and now help each week. Been great to play and so forth, however I am finding when we do doggy position it feels like the underneath of my penis near the balls is getting sanded by the small amounts of regrowth on her.
Is this just a me thing? Anything I would do about it, only just started to happen so not tried anything out yet, though extra lube may help.


When you shave the regrowth is more corse than if you wax it both me and the miss use to shave it tore my penis up because like you said it feels like sandpaper then we tried waxing and the new hair is softer and it thins out after repeated waxing I get waxed every 5 weeks and it only takes a second to wax and I don’t think it hurts at lest try it two times plus I get my ears and nose done to


Guess it’s normal to get that unless she was to wax the hairs off then it’d be more smoother and softer regrow but of course very ouch ooo! For her lol

It is normal. The regrowth is essentially stubble. Maybe it’s just me but I find it really stimulating to feel the slight roughness when I’m inside her.

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It was ok, but it was the second time for the day so it was taking me a while to get there and was really starting to get painful and distracting.

You just need to keep on top of the trimming.
I’ve recommended to a few forum members , that nasal hair trimmers are great for keeping the your wifes sensitive areas smooth. Skims over surface with no nicks, leaving creases and folds really smooth.

Yes I think I saw that advice. How close does it get? I think I only shaved her 2 days before so it would not have been much growth.

Depends on the type used, but it can literally leave it smooth. I use a combe head type
but domed style is good as well.

I have the same issue when giving my bloke oral… I end up with a rashy face from the scratchy regrowth. Not fun.

Try hair removal cream, it doesn’t leave such blunt edges to the hairs.