oh so thats what the wand is all about

My wife raves about the wand,orgasms and squirts galore. I have been so jealous. Well yesterday postie arrived (missus been spending lol). Inside the parcel was a hummer attachment for myself. Im not jealous any more lol. I wont go into details wait for my review lol.

LOL wands are amazing

Yes they are. My review is done and gone live already. Lovehoney admin are on the ball today lol.

100% agree I love my wand!

Wands are aptly named as they are magical! I love mine!!

I would love a doxy, however I have not got one yet, due to there being nothing wrong with the wand I have.

I notice they have one on the sex toy testers section :)

We've just been chosen to test the couples wand pack, which has the hummer and g-spot attachments. This is going to be fun! 😈

I dont have a wand but I would LOVE one... Unfortunately my student budget wont allow it right now, Cant even afford food haha x