One night stands??

One night stands are more common and increasing in both genders. Curious to know the opinions and the number of one night stands that are deemed appropriate.

Currently, I have had 2 one night stands about 10 years ago and didn't feel to special or clean after the fact. This is personal opinion, my ex husband was a one night stand, but that only lasted One night before we where an item.
I've met a few young girls that have said they had several One night stands and wait for it... They were 12, one was my niece, needless to say she was put on the pill and counselling started

So guys what's your number, what's the opinion on one night stands from both genders? Is it the norm now because we are all so much more sexual than before or is it not for you?

I have no problem with people having one night stands as much as they want as long as its consensual, safe etc. Both genders can have as many one night stands as they want if that floats their boat and they're happy with it!

I've never had an actual one night stand. But I refer to like having casual sex with someone maybe 2 or 3 occvasions as them being a one night stand for simplicity's sake. They always come back for more :P haha.

Only two of my friends out of all of high school and uni are one night standers. And they are serial ones! Only one guy I know has one night stands mainly. Most girls and guys I know are in serious enough long term relationships, and I think people often have fuck buddies, or FWB more often than they have one night stands. So I don't know if its the hardly any of my friends/people I know have really been like that!! xx

I don't know maybe people are just more willing to say what they want. Perhaps there is less fear of being judged for just wanting sex and why shouldn't we have that provided no ones hurt in the process of course!

Having said that its not the norm for me at all. I've never had a one night stand or even just had a fling really. I just can't have sex with out some sort of emotional connection so no strings sex doesn't appeal to me.

none... kinda want to though. right now, there's no way I want another relationship and it's about time I had some fun!!! but I suppose i've got to be realistic and sensible, so i'm most likely going to be all on my own with my ever growing box of LH supplies for the forseeable future lol

One night stands were common for myself and my friends when we were in our teens but since we have all hit our 20's they have become quite rare. I think it was down to pressure to fit in as teenagers. I know when I was having them I was really depressed and it was a downward spiral. I would have them to feel better at the time but afterwards would feel so much worse about myself. Based on my experience and that of a friends I think women that have a lot of them have self esteem issues.

in my late teens and early 20s i had two or three years where i was out almost every night of the week drinking and dancing and more often than not would go home with someone . it never hirt me or anyone else , so ive never seen a problem with it .

ive grown out of that sort of thing now , but certainly dont look down on anyone who chooses to continue that lifestyle . i never made me feel dirty or unclean ...

I have honestly never personally had a one night stand but that's not because I'm against it or anything I just like to be in love with the person I have intercourse with

But I'm sure it would be exiting to some people :)

never had one (age 47) and never fancy one either, i need a bit more of a connection with someone before i get my kit off! but horses for courses, and if it suits you then go ahead! x

After my first partner and I broke up I went on to have quite a few one night stands, but they were with people who I had befriended or had been on a couple of dates with.

I have no issue with people having one night stands, it would be rather hypocritital of me if I did seeing as I have had quite a few of them myself.

I just went into a stage of liking doing that sort of thing. I wanted to have sex with someone but I wasn't ready for a relationship. I had that whoring stage in my life and I don't think I will have that ever again. Just grown out of it I suppose. :)

I've never had one and I don't think I ever will, not because I don't want to but because I just don't see how to make that sort of thing happen. I wouldn't be able to do it unless I was drunk which is slightly irresponsible but I have issues even talking to guys so sleeping with one I just met doesn't seem likely to happen.

I'm 23 and have never had a one night stand and my partner is 27 and has never had one either. Neither of us are against them though, it's just something that has never really happened! X

I've had 1 one night stand but then I've had several men who I've just met for sex on maybe there or four occasions. So the may as well have been one night stands as I didn't want them for anything else other than the sexual release.
I think lots of people get fuck buddies to save on the hassle of one night stands. The hunt for someone on a night out, deciding who's house to go to, the awkward after sex polite convo, the making the quick escape and mobile phone number swap even though you know your never gonna talk again. It's all too much hassle for me lol

Had one31 yrs ago....we are still together itis only aonenight stand when you dont see each other again.BTW I dont know where the idea comes from that people are more "sexual" today.I was reading about the blitz in WW2 and people would make love to complete strangers when araid was on....maybe the thought ofimpending death changed their minds on what was acceptable. Certainly when I was in my teens it was a free for all, there was no AIDsS and little talkof STDs then.

Hey moonshine79

Theres no shame in doing one night stands. Its quite a normal thing at the moment. But your niece, 12? Id says thats too much, you dont know what you're doing in that age.

Ive had multiple one night stands, but i refuse taking a virginity at a random one night stand. Thats just too much, i dont want to be responsible for taking someones virginity away for pleasure only.
If the girl is understanding about the one night stand and shows interest in it, then i do not mind, both parts just looking for pleasure is no shame at all.

My niece was sexually active at 12 and the counselling started because the doctor felt it was required.

One nighters are personal choice and having 2 myself, I didn't get anything at all from it and it left me feeling dirty mainly because I'd rather share my body with someone I know rather than a stranger, simply because I get more of a connection from it. Just as long as people are safe it's each to their own lol

My one night stands don't seem to stay one night stands but so long as everyone is happy, over the age of consent and safe why does this even matter? It is a personal decision and no one's business but those involved.

I've had one night stands and I personally dnt have a problem with them if no one is gettin hurt. x

Never had one

Nowt wrong with a one night stand if both are racing hot for each other and use condoms. Some lovely ex's started as one night stands.

BlankeMaus wrote:

Nowt wrong with a one night stand if both are racing hot for each other and use condoms. Some lovely ex's started as one night stands.

IVE HAD SOME GREAT EXPERIENCES ON ONE NIGHTERS !! a couple turned into more and a few turned into really good friends ( not THAT kinda friend lol ) please excuse my erratic caps :(