Out of the Mouths of Babes

What are some of the funny things your children (or of course any children you are associated with - nieces, nephews etc.) have said?

Some recent classics from my 5 year old son:

Him drawing: "guess what it is daddy, its like a cat"
Me: "Umm, a lion? A tiger?"
Him: "nope its a jagoooaar!!!!!"

Him: "look daddy I just seen the N23!!!"
Me: "you mean the M25?"
Him: *big smile* "yea!!! I love you more than the moon and the whole world!"

Me: "when did you last have chilli con carne?"
Him: "Umm..100 Weeks ago"

may I have an outside please? My 2 yr old god daughter wanting to play in the garden

Yey! torta mimi (wants tortellini pasta for lunch)

A conversation between a friend of mine and her daughter:

Mother: Bella, please be quiet!

Bella: Why?

Mother: Because normal people are still asleep.

Bella: Oh mummy, but we're not normal!

Picture if you will, me sorting through my handbag and finding too many tampons. So i pass them to my 7/8 year old daughter and say "Can you put these back in the bathroom please?"

She scoots upstairs then reappears and in a stage whisper says " Mum, i've put your Bum Plugs back in the box!"

She also thought Santa's sleigh was pulled by Rudolph the Red Nosed Radiator!!!

Hilarious! x

I once said to my mother I love you all the world and twenty (shillings) and six (pence)...I still get reminders occasionally

Me: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Small child: "A fire engine!!

Another favourite of mine was hearing a little kid singing postman pat... though it was a slightly different version.

"Postman pat, postman pat, postman pat is up your ASS!"

He must have only been about 2!

dotdashdot wrote:

Another favourite of mine was hearing a little kid singing postman pat... though it was a slightly different version.

"Postman pat, postman pat, postman pat is up your ASS!"

He must have only been about 2!

Ahaha thats brilliant! I took my son to the science museum last year and there was a cabinet full of retro computers, he walked up to them and said with a big grin "corrrrr fucking hell daddy look at all these!!!!" - lol he got a swift telling off for that one!

Not properly at the speaking stage but wee man has a few words. His first word? Boob. 'Boob!' and then going for it. For a while there we had 'Boob boob boobooboob!!!' Old ladies looking and people trying not to giggle, caving though now results in happy hand clapping . He has 'Dad/a down but I only stopped being referred to as 'Boob' a couple of days ago

TTurtle wrote:

dotdashdot wrote:

Another favourite of mine was hearing a little kid singing postman pat... though it was a slightly different version.

"Postman pat, postman pat, postman pat is up your ASS!"

He must have only been about 2!

Ahaha thats brilliant! I took my son to the science museum last year and there was a cabinet full of retro computers, he walked up to them and said with a big grin "corrrrr fucking hell daddy look at all these!!!!" - lol he got a swift telling off for that one!

Don't beat yourself up over it.

Foul language seems to be generally more acceptable nowadays. In all walks of life.

It's no reflection on you as a parent.

Its just words after all.

Dee_licious333 wrote:

A conversation between a friend of mine and her daughter:

Mother: Bella, please be quiet!

Bella: Why?

Mother: Because normal people are still asleep.

Bella: Oh mummy, but we're not normal!

ace i just love it put's a big smile on my face

Glad you enjoyed it LMD!!

few years back playing football a friend knocked himself out and took to hospital.after the game collecting all the things from side of the pitch a girl picks up a single key on a keyring with....

FIAT written on it,

she asks "who's FLAT ket does this belong to" she got a lift to the game with the Fiat owning guy too :/

Rowan wrote:

Not properly at the speaking stage but wee man has a few words. His first word? Boob. 'Boob!' and then going for it. For a while there we had 'Boob boob boobooboob!!!' Old ladies looking and people trying not to giggle, caving though now results in happy hand clapping . He has 'Dad/a down but I only stopped being referred to as 'Boob' a couple of days ago

Ahhh, you're going to have to remind him of that when he's a sulky teenager!

What a cutey.

I love children, love the silly things they say and even more the profound things they can say! Our smart ideas can stiffled by our worries of saying something silly meaning kids can be smarter than we are sometimes unhampered by those worries!

When me and my brother were little my mum used to giggle at us saying "can you not?", "shall you not?", "will you not?" as we'd picked it up from our north western childminder. And my brother used to say "willn't" - it made much more sense to apply the "rule" to all past tense abbreviated terms to him being dyslexic and who can blame him!


My niece at 3 presented my with a scribble and said all excited "its a polar bear!!!"

I put it on the fridge :D

Whilst on holiday in Ibiza, we were on the beach when my youngest daughter, then 3 now 12, spotted a young lady emerging from the sea, Topless!!

I swear it was like slow motion, i looked at my daughters face and knew what was coming! She yelled at the top of her lungs "BOOOOOOOBIES!!"

I was mortified, but luckily the girl thought it was hilarious!!! xx

I was heavily pregnant when someone asked my 3 yr old son if he wanted the bump to be a boy or a girl. He thought about it for a minute then looked very excited and said "a tiger"! Teenagers aren't so cute!!!

Catnip wrote:

Picture if you will, me sorting through my handbag and finding too many tampons. So i pass them to my 7/8 year old daughter and say "Can you put these back in the bathroom please?"

She scoots upstairs then reappears and in a stage whisper says " Mum, i've put your Bum Plugs back in the box!"

She also thought Santa's sleigh was pulled by Rudolph the Red Nosed Radiator!!!

Hilarious! x

this made me laugh lots. :D

apparently i used to call sanitry tows sanitry tails

* Towels